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Replace Disposables with Reusable Products April 11th, 2011

Replace Disposables: Wherever possible, replace disposable products with reusable ones (i.e., razor, food storage, batteries, ink cartridges (buy refill ink), coffee filters, furnace or air conditioner filters, etc.).

Socially Responsible Investors Submit Guidance for Conflict Minerals Rule March 29th, 2011

The Oblates joined a large group of socially responsible investors in a letter providing specific comments to the SEC on the Conflict Mineral Provision 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Finance Reform Act.

Read the letter…

Prayer Service developed for the United Nations International Year of Forests – 2011 March 25th, 2011

The declaration of an International Year of Forests by the UN is expected to help cultivate an appreciation of the role of forests in conserving the strength and vitality of the planet, as well as achieving certain goals in global development, particularly those outlined in the Millennium Development Goals.

A special prayer service has been written for this purpose.

English version (Download PDF)

Spanish version (Download PDF)

For copies of the prayer in 18 languages go to:

Mandate for Special Rapporteur on Water and Sanitation Adopted by UN HR Council March 25th, 2011

Winnemem Wintu Chief and Spiritual Leader Caleen Sisk-Franco discusses her village's sewer system with the U.N. Independent Expert Catarina de Albuquerque.

The UN Human Rights Council passed a resolution this morning extending the mandate on the human right to safe water and sanitation for another three years, and changing the powers of the Independent Expert to that of a special rapporteur.

This is good news. The mandate will continue with Catarina de Albuquerque in the position of Special Rapporteur. In this position, she will have enhanced powers: in addition to assisting governments to define the scope and content of the rights, she can engage with governments about complaints from affected individuals, communities, and civil society organizations on issues related to and possible violations of the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation.

Furthermore, the resolution explicitly states the full list of criteria for the human rights to water and sanitation. These are listed below:

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Earth Hour – March 26th – Join the Movement! March 25th, 2011

Join millions around the world and turn off your lights at 8:30 on Saturday night. Together, we can make a difference.

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