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Jubilee USA holds Vigil Against Vulture Funds outside New York Courthouse February 28th, 2013



Yesterday, Jubilee USA stood with the poor and against vulture funds at the New York 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals – the last stop before the Supreme Court. Anti-debt supporters held a vigil outside and observed with hundreds of people packed into the courtroom, and several overflow rooms.

The media have been very interested in the story. Agence France-Presse (AFP) quoted Jubilee USA Executive Director, Eric LeCompte: “We pray that they will side with the people of Argentina, the US government and the world’s poorest people. If the judges rule in favor of these hedge funds, it will mean these funds will more aggressively target poor countries in fragile financial recovery. If they rule with Argentina, it will mean that it will be harder for these types of funds to exploit countries in financial distress.”

In addition to Jubilee USA’s vigil outside the US Court, Jubilee South organized an amazing demonstration in Buenos Aires and Jubilee Debt Campaign banged pots and pans outside the doors of the London office of the lead vulture fund, NML Capital.

Watch a video of the vigil by Occupy Bronx.

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Fleeting Responsibility Abounds in 2013 January 30th, 2013

We were greeted in early January with yet another announcement about a settlement between regulators at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) and the Federal Reserve with 10 major U.S. banks concerning charges of abusive and faulty practices in the home foreclosure process. This time the amount was $8.5 billion. It included relief of varying amounts of money for those who were victimized in the process.

Read more on Huffington Post…

New Year’s Resolutions and Corporate Social Responsibility January 10th, 2013

The year-end transition is again replete with the consideration of resolutions concerning possible changes in behavior, activities or other patterns of action. Little seems to be known or reported about how many of these benchmarks or objectives are fulfilled or about how contented those who made resolutions are as the New Year unfolds.

Read Fr. Seamus’ latest blog on Huffington Post…

Streetwise Highlights Faith Consistent Investment Work January 3rd, 2013

A series of recent articles in Streetwise focusing on socially responsible investing, look at the work of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR), the financial crisis and shadow banking system from the perspective of faith-consistent investors, and “doing well by doing good”. Streetwise, a social service agency in Chicago serving the homeless and at-risk population, combines immediate access to earned income through the sale of their newspaper with an array of social service supports.

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Shopping After a Factory Fire December 13th, 2012

Squeezed between the news reports of Black Friday weekend, when U.S. consumers spent more than $59 billion dollars, and a Cyber Monday that was the busiest online shopping day ever, came the tragic news of yet another horrible fire in a garment factory…

Read Fr. Seamus Finn’s latest blog on Huffington Post.

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