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Latin America Church Conference on Mining Issues Final Document July 8th, 2011

Oblates at Seminario Internationale in Peru June 2011

Oblates from Bolivia, Peru and the United States participated in an international conference on Extractive Industries focused on “the problem of natural resources in Latin America and the mission of the church”. The conference was organized and sponsored by the Justice and Solidarity Department of CELAM (Bishops Conference of Latin America) and MISEREOR at a retreat center in Chaclacayo – Lima – Peru, June 14 – 16 2011.

The conference final document is available in Spanish.

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Fr. Seamus Finn Explains Faith-Consistent Investing on Local Radio Station July 3rd, 2011


Pictured from left to right: Mr. Warren E Powell, Host-“Let’s Get It On”; Mr. Thomas Kent, Director Vietnam Veterans of America -DC Chp.958; Mr. Gale Thames-Co-Host, “Let’s Get It On”; Rev. Seamus Finn, Director OMI JPIC Ministry Missionary Oblates; Mr. James M. McGee, Pres. NAPFE; Mr. Leonard Pitts, USO Advocate; Mr. Selvon Waldron, LGIO reporter. Seated Mr. Paul Tennassee, LGIO GloLocal Specialist. Mr. Leonard Pitts completed a walking trek, over 500 miles, from Clinton, SC to Washington, DC in support of the USO. Rev. Seamus Finn, was a guest speaking on Corporate Responsibility.


Seamus Finn, OMI appeared on Thursday evening on the National Alliance of Postal and Federal Employees (NAPFE) public interest radio program “Let’s Get It On” hosted by Warren Powell and Gale Thames. Fr. Seamus spoke about the work of faith-based investors in promoting corporate social responsibility.

You can listen to the program by going to the NAPFE website and click on the button “Click here to listen now”. The program segment that features the Fr. Seamus starts at minute 11 and runs for about ten minutes.

This program features information on Postal, Federal Employees, and Veterans. Subjects are Health tips, Labor Relations, Global Affairs, Latest Developments, and any others topics of interest. Each week there are special guests and informational professionals.


Take Action on Child Sex Trafficking in Wyndham Hotels July 1st, 2011

Thanks to for this Action Alert

From 2006 to 2011, Crips gang members in San Diego ran a child sex trafficking ring out of area hotels that destroyed the lives at least 16 girls.

An 18-month FBI investigation discovered that the gang was able to use two Wyndham-owned hotels (Travelodge and Howard Johnson) regularly for child prostitution with the knowledge and even assistance of staff.

After hearing about these cases, San Diego native Tim Rosner started a petition urging the Wyndham Hotel Group to sign an international child protection agreement for travel and tourism companies, which could have saved those 16 girls from sexual exploitation.

Staff at several Wyndham-owned motels have profited from sex trafficking, even though Wyndham has a child protection policy. The chain has failed at least 16 children — with more cases emerging.

Two major American hotel chains — Hilton Worldwide and Carlson Companies, an entity that includes Radisson Hotels and other chains — have already signed the international child protection policy, as have 945 other companies across 37 countries.

Click here to make sure Wyndham is next to sign the Code of Conduct for the Protection of Children and call on the company to implement this stricter child protection policy in order to prevent future instances of child sex trafficking:

Thanks for taking action.




Faith-Based Investors Press Companies to Take Action on Human Trafficking June 30th, 2011

The Missionary Oblates joined members of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) in an investor statement on Human Trafficking, an issue the group has been working on for many years.

The statement called on companies to develop human rights policies addressing the issues of human trafficking and modern day slavery and integrate these into corporate business plans. The group clearly articulated the business case for adopting such policies.

The statement also called for companies to report publicly on these measures and to work in collaboration with other stakeholders to eradicate these egregious human rights abuses.

Read the ICCR statement.


Human Right to Water and Sanitation materials available from the UN June 30th, 2011

Popular information materials on the human right to water and sanitation are now available from the UN Water Decade website.

The materials were developed on the occasion of activities jointly organized by the UN-Water Decade Programme on Advocacy and Communication (UNW-DPAC), UN-Habitat, the UN-Water Decade Programme on Capacity Development (UNW-DPC) and the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) at Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum (20-22 June 2011). Click on the following links to access the documents:

Click here to read more »

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