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New Haven Declaration on Corporate Financial Transparency Brings Together Unique Coalition of Asset Management Firms and Civil Society Organizations January 16th, 2011

A unique coalition of asset management firms and civil society organizations issued a statement on January 11th committing to call on governments and relevant multilateral institutions to establish a country-by-country financial reporting standard for multinational corporations. The “New Haven Declaration on Corporate Financial Transparency” establishes links between corporate accountability, business practices, and economic development and poverty alleviation.

The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate was among the initial signatories of the declaration, alongside groups like Trillium Asset Management and Wealth for the Common Good. The signatories together represent $20 billion in combined assets under management.

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Fr. Seamus Finn Speaks on Need for Greater Corporate Transparency at Yale Conference December 14th, 2010

Theodore Dwight Woolsey and Dwight Hall, Yale University

On December 7th and 8th The Global Financial Integrity Project convened a conference entitled “Socially Responsible Investing and Corporate Financial Reporting: The Need for Transparency” at Yale University. Fr. Seamus Finn from the OMI JPIC office participated and presented a paper on the work of the office in promoting greater transparency by corporations on tax and tariff payments made in different jurisdictions. His paper also discussed the efforts of faith communities to ensure that the US Congress adopts greater transparency standards for the financial industry.

Investing For Catholics? Fr. Séamus Finn Discusses on CatholicTV Talk Show December 3rd, 2010

On December 3rd, Fr. Séamus P. Finn, OMI was interviewed on the live CatholicTV talk show “This is the Day”.

Fr. Séamus is a leader in faith-based socially responsible investing. He represents the Oblates and serves on the Board of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility, a coalition of faith-based and socially responsible investors working together to engage corporations. The coalition’s more than $100 billion is invested to promote the integration of faith-based values into the investment process. Father Séamus also represents the Oblates on the executive committee of the International Interfaith Investment Group (3IG and serves as a consultant to Investing for Catholics, a company which provides fee-only advice on passively managed index portfolios screened for Catholic values.

Watch the interview on The interview with Fr. Seamus is part of a larger program and starts 7 minutes into the broadcast. Or click on the video link below to view only the segment with Fr. Seamus:

Help Fight World Hunger This Thanksgiving November 23rd, 2010

Here are two important things to do during your Thanksgiving holiday to help fight world hunger:

1) Take action to counteract the massive presence of Wall Street lobbyists in Washington working to insure their profits at the expense of people – call your Senators and ask them to prevent excessive speculation in commodity markets.

At a time when we stop to remember how thankful we are for food on our plates, let’s help make sure that this is a reality for people everywhere. In 2008, price bubbles in food and energy prices led to $4 gasoline in the U.S. and forced over 130 million people world-wide to go hungry, according to the UN. An important factor behind those price bubbles was excessive speculation in the food and energy commodity markets.

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Mentoring Students in Social Justice Work November 1st, 2010

Fr. Daniel Renaud, omi is interested in developing a program for students to learn about social justice work by engaging with people at the grassroots or through issue advocacy. If you are an Oblate involved in social justice work, he would like to connect with you to discuss the possibility of a student coming to work with you for a period of time.

Father Renaud is Chaplain at St. Paul University in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. He has recently been named chair of the Canadian Catholic Campus Ministry Association. This association, mandated by the Conference of Canadian Bishops, supports campus ministry in promoting the mission of the Catholic Church.

Fr. Daniel Renaud has been the Chaplain at Saint Paul University since 2004. His email is: The University website is

Fr. Renaud explains his idea in this interview with the Oblate US JPIC Office Watch the video:

(Watch the video on YouTube)

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