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Connecticut State Senators Repeal Death Penalty Law April 9th, 2012

On April 5, the Connecticut State Senate voted 20 -16 in favor of repeal of the state’s death penalty law. The bill would replace the death penalty with life in prison without the possibility of parole as the state’s harshest punishment for future crimes. The legislation would not affect sentences of the 11 inmates currently on Connecticut’s death row.

The bill now goes to the Connecticut House of Representatives, where it is considered to have a high level of support, and then to Governor who has said he would sign it into law.

Other states have passed similar measures; among them are Illinois, New Mexico and New Jersey. In California, faith leaders are leading a campaign to gather enough signatures for an initiative to throw out the death penalty by voters on the November ballot.

The Catholic Conference of Connecticut and Religious communities are pleased with the passage of the repeal of the death penalty. The Conference is engaging in a campaign through its website and in advocacy messages in parish bulletins asking parishioners to contact their elected representatives, requesting that they support the bill.


April Newbrief from the JPIC Commission Office in Rome April 5th, 2012

The Commission for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation USG/UISG Secretariat has issued their Newsbrief for April. The newsletter is available in English and Spanish. Useful resources given on mining, land grabbing, water and more…



Faithful Budget Released March 22nd, 2012

WASHINGTON, DC — Today on Capitol Hill, prominent Christian, Jewish and Muslim leaders unveiled a Faithful Budget document, which encourages the Obama Administration and Congress to maintain a robust commitment to domestic and international poverty assistance programs.

The document has been submitted to all Members of Congress and the Administration. Faith communities will make follow up visits to Congress. The Annual Ecumenical Advocacy Days conference this coming weekend is titled Is THIS the Fast I Seek? Economy, Livelihood and Our National Priorities. Participants will visit their Congressional representatives on Monday and will take the Faithful budget document with them as a blueprint.

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Invisible Children KONY 2012 March 13th, 2012

The “Invisible Children Kony 2012” video has gone viral. It is an impassioned plea to end the atrocities of Joseph Kony and his Lords Resistance Army (LRA). Invisible Children Campaign “KONY 2012” provides horrifying documentary evidence about the LRA.

Over nearly three decades the LRA has been responsible for unspeakable acts of brutality, including the abduction of children to work as soldiers. untold thousands have been maimed or killed by the LRA and hundreds of thousands of people remain displaced in northern Uganda, Northern Democratic Republic of Congo, Central African Republic and South Sudan. The International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for Kony in 2005, but to date, no one has found him.

This video is a plea to take action to stop the atrocities of Kony and hold the LRA accountable in a court of law. An important issue raised by the video is the need for immediate international support, and protection of these children and their families from these terrible acts of violence. Organizations such as Catholic Relief Services are on the front lines helping the victims of Kony and Lord’s Resistance Army.


Sri Lankan Women From The North And East Call For Real Peace, Justice And Accountability March 6th, 2012


A newly issued report from women in northern Sri Lanka highlights the need for serious reconciliation in the country. The following was issued by the North East Women’s Network as part of the International Women’s Day Campaign (March 08th 2012)



The end of the brutal 30 year old war brought with it a hope of reconciliation, peace, development and equality for all. However in the last three years the Sri Lankan States lack of commitment to these basic principles have left women in the North and East in a vulnerable position. The lack of livelihood, safety accountability and justice have left women in a state where we are yet to reap the benefits of a nation not in armed conflict.

In the last three years the security of women has deteriorated in several aspects. Women have found themselves in a position of having to take care of the economic and social wellbeing of their family single handedly while ensuring her and her families safety and security.

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