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8th Day Center E-Newsletter is a Good Resource January 21st, 2011

Stay connected with the 8th Day Center for Justice in Chicago by signing up to receive their  electronic newsletter sent on the “8th Day” of each month. The e-newsletter will provide you with up-to-date information on the work of 8th Day, including actions, events and reflections.

To sign-up to receive the e-newsletter, contact Beth at

New Haven Declaration on Corporate Financial Transparency Brings Together Unique Coalition of Asset Management Firms and Civil Society Organizations January 16th, 2011

A unique coalition of asset management firms and civil society organizations issued a statement on January 11th committing to call on governments and relevant multilateral institutions to establish a country-by-country financial reporting standard for multinational corporations. The “New Haven Declaration on Corporate Financial Transparency” establishes links between corporate accountability, business practices, and economic development and poverty alleviation.

The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate was among the initial signatories of the declaration, alongside groups like Trillium Asset Management and Wealth for the Common Good. The signatories together represent $20 billion in combined assets under management.

Click here to read more »

Solidarity with the People of Southern Sudan January 5th, 2011

Prayer campaign promotes peace before Southern Sudan independence vote; photo by Paul Jeffrey, CNS

On 9 January 2011, the people of Southern Sudan will vote in a crucial referendum whether they will unify with or secede from Northern Sudan. The vote will likely give a birth to a new country; however what happens in the wake of the referendum is less certain. The people of Southern Sudan have endured almost five decades of war and displacement. Southern Sudan is the least-developed part of the country, but contains important natural resource wealth, particularly oil.

The Catholic Task Force on Africa, of which the Oblate JPIC Office is a member, is closely monitoring the situation. CTA has in the past hosted briefings with Catholic Bishops from Sudan and religious workers from different congregations working in the southern Sudan through Solidarity with Southern Sudan which is sponsored by the members of the Union of Major Superiors (USG) and International Conference of Superior Generals (UISG) in Rome. The Missionary Oblates is a member of these international religious groups and is supportive of the missionary work done by the Solidarity with Southern Sudan initiative.

The U.S. Catholic Bishops’ Office of International Justice and Peace in conjunction with Catholic Relief Service issued a statement on 28 December 2010, “Peace in Sudan: Your Help Needed as Vote Nears” which encourages U.S. Catholics to pray and advocate for their brothers and sisters in Sudan. The Bishops are urging schools, schools, religious communities to offer special prayers for people in Sudan, especially on January 9th and in the weeks following the referendum vote.

More information and action suggestions can be found at Catholic Relief Services – Peace in Sudan

2011 World Day of Peace December 20th, 2010

“Religious freedom, the path to peace” is the theme chosen by Pope Benedict XVI for the celebration of the 2011 World Day of Peace. The World Day of Peace has been celebrated since 1968 on the first day of every year.

“Religious freedom expresses what is unique about the human person, for it allows us to direct our personal and social life to God, in whose light the identity, meaning and purpose of the person are fully understood. To deny or arbitrarily restrict this freedom is to foster a reductive vision of the human person; to eclipse the public role of religion is to create a society which is unjust, inasmuch as it fails to take account of the true nature of the human person; it is to stifle the growth of the authentic and lasting peace of the whole human family.”

Read the Pope’s Message for the Celebration of the World Day of Peace.

Urge Senators to Ratify the “New Start” Treaty December 8th, 2010

Pax Christi is asking members to Urge our Senators to approve the New START anti-nuclear treaty this year! As Catholics, we are motivated by our faith to protect people from indiscriminate and disproportionate weapons, including nuclear weapons.

Why is New Start so important?

• New START will reverse the US’s diminishing knowledge of Russian nuclear weapons. It has been almost a year since the expiration of the original START treaty, and since then there have been no inspections into either side’s nuclear arsenal. Under the new treaty, there will be 18 short-notice inspections each year.

• New START is a precursor to progress on additional weapons reductions. This includes reductions of tactical nuclear weapons, which are not covered by New START.

• Delaying New START will harm ongoing non-proliferation efforts. This treaty demonstrates our commitment to limit the spread of nuclear weapons. If the U.S. allows it to fail, we will lose momentum and the authority to lead on nuclear non-proliferation.

• Delaying New START will have a damaging impact on our relationship with Russia. This will affect a number of areas, including limiting Iran’s nuclear capabilities and supplying troops in Afghanistan. The Obama administration has worked to “reset” relations with Russia, and New START is a crucial component of that effort.

  • Send your Senators an email
  • Call your Senators via the Capitol Switchboard: (202) 224-3121
  • Organize friends, family, neighbors, and community leaders to make their voices heard.

What is the Catholic Church saying about the treaty?

Click here to read more »

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