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World Youth Parliament June 23rd, 2010

WYP 2010: Towards a Magna Carta of Values for a New Civilization will be held in New York City, August 9-16, 2010. This is a forum where young people (ages 17-30) will commit themselves to explore the foundations of a new society. Participants will propose guidelines which, with effort and some sacrifice, will signal serious change and a way of life leading to a more just society. Accommodations will be at St. John’s University dormitories. For more information go to: WYP.IDENTEYOUTH.US

To give a flavor of the event, these questions were asked on the website:

  • Did you ever wanted to change the world but never knew how?
  • Everyone speaks of freedom, but is freedom simply to do what one wants?
  • Most young people are pursing academic degrees but did you ever ask yourself what is the purpose of education?
  • Did you ever ask what is justice or why do we punish people?
  • With the current economic crises in mind, did you ever reflect on our society’s ideas and views on work, economy, wealth, etc.?
  • And, most importantly, did you ever ask, “Who am I as a person and a human being? What is the foundation of my dignity, rights, and duties?”

If you have ever reflected on these question or would like to do so, then the WYP is for YOU!

UN Human Rights Commissioner Decries Killing of Top Congolese Human Rights Defender June 3rd, 2010

Floribert Chebeya Bahizire, a long-time and deeply committed human rights defender in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been killed.

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay expressed shock and great sadness at the news of the Mr. Chebeya’s death. His body was found on the outskirts of Kinshasa on Wednesday. Human rights organizations in Kinshasa reported his disappearance after he was summoned to police headquarters the previous day.

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Transparency on Congo Conflict Minerals Folded into the Financial Regulatory Reform Bill May 25th, 2010

CONGO FIGHTINGWith the passage of the Restoring American Financial Stability Act (S. 3217) in the United States Senate, the Congo Conflict Minerals and the Energy Security through Transparency (ESTT) amendments have made it into legislation. However, as neither amendment was in the House version of the financial reform legislation, both amendments will be taken up by the House/Senate Conference committee which will work to reconcile the differences between the two bills. Both amendments were agreed to during the passage of the Restoring American Financial Stability Act in the Senate.

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Human Rights Groups Urge Investigation of Sri Lanka War Crimes May 21st, 2010

WarCrimeSatelliteImagesHuman Rights groups, from Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International to the International Crisis Group, are calling for an independent investigation into war crimes by both sides during the traumatic end of the war between the LTTE and government forces one year ago.

In a report released on May 17th, a year after the war’s end, the International Crisis Group cited “reasonable grounds to believe the Sri Lankan security forces committed war crimes” by intentionally shelling civilians, hospitals and humanitarian operations in a final push to destroy the separatist Tigers. In turn, the Tigers reportedly shot civilians who tried to flee rebel areas and held others captive in a bid to raise international pressure for a ceasefire.

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Space for Meditation at the UN May 17th, 2010

In the lobby of the UN building there is a very small meditation room that was designed in 1952 by former Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold. When I have work at the UN itself I like to begin my day in the perfect stillness of this peaceful space. Outside the room, there is a plaque on the wall with a beautiful reflection written by Dag Hammarskjold. Amidst the current global economic uncertainty and turmoil, it is important to remember the power of silent meditation and prayer. – Daniel LeBlanc, OMI (Oblate Representative at the UN)

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