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US Prelate Highlights Church’s Opposition to Nuclear Weapons February 18th, 2010

nukebombArchbishop Edwin O’Brien, a member of the U.S. Bishops’ Conference Committee on International Justice and Peace, reiterated the church’s opposition to nuclear weapons in an address to the Global Zero summit in Paris earlier this month. The gathering brought together 200 international leaders to develop strategies to eliminate nuclear weapons.

The archbishop underlined the Church’s moral teaching on nuclear weapons, based on its commitment to protect human life. Drawing on the principles of just war teaching, Archbishop O’Brien stated, “Nuclear war-fighting is rejected in Church teaching because it cannot ensure noncombatant immunity and the likely destruction and lingering radiation would violate the principle of proportionality.”

Click here to read more »

The State of the World’s Indigenous Peoples February 18th, 2010

SOWIP_cover100The States of the World’s Indigenous People – a report issued by the Secretariat of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues – is now available.

Indigenous peoples contribute extensively to the cultural diversity of humanity, being responsible for more than two thirds of its languages and an extraordinary amount of its traditional knowledge.

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Pope Benedict’s 2010 Message for Lent February 15th, 2010

popeashwednesday_smLent begins this Wednesday on February 17th. Pope Benedict XVI is inviting Catholics during this time of Lent to reflect on the theme of “Justice.” The Pope’s message for Lent is available at the Vatican website with translations in different languages.

In his remarks prior to his address the Pope said: “Jesus does not propose a revolution of a social or political type, but one of love, which he has already realized with his cross and his resurrection. On these are founded the beatitudes, which propose a new horizon of justice, initiated by Easter, by which we can become just and build a better world.”

Read the Message of Lent here…

Protest the Attack on Bangladeshi Indigenous Peoples’ Advocate and Oblate Friend: Sanjeeb Drong January 24th, 2010

Sanjeeb DrongSanjeeb Drong survives but fears further attacks…

Mr Sanjeeb Drong, an important advocate for human rights and indigenous peoples in Bangladesh and SE Asia, and good friend of the Oblates, was brutally attacked last Friday by a group of hired thugs. He and his wife were travelling home from a meeting with the Bishop and a Diocesan Committee. Sanjeeb fled from his attackers and was rescued by the Bishop and several priests who then took him to a hospital. He is now safe in Dhaka. His wife was unharmed.

Please call on US government officials and your elected representatives to press for an inquiry in Bangladesh. Use our suggested letter.

Read our Action Alert, learn more…

The People of Haiti Need your Help January 14th, 2010

Port au Prince is Devastated; Food Supplies are threatened elsewhere in Haiti

Most Oblates are believed safe, but news is still minimal.

Relief aid is urgently needed. Donatations are being accepted by the US Oblates – click here.

While the US is responding vigorously, policy changes are still needed.

– Official assistance needs to be in the form of grants, NOT loans.
– All of Haiti’s debts need to be cancelled;
– Temporary Protective Status (TPS)should be granted to undocumented Haitians in the US.

Learn more – Read our Action Alert on Haiti for more information and suggested action.

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