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U.S. Suspends Deportations of Undocumented Haitians Due to Earthquake January 14th, 2010

Haitian refugeesIn response to the devastating earthquake in Haiti, United States Homeland Security (DHS) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced on January 13 that it is temporarily suspending deportations of all undocumented Haitians living in the United States. There was no immediate indication that the federal government would grant Haitian nationals needed Temporary Protected Status (TPS).

Temporary protected status is a special state granted to immigrants of certain nationalities who are unable to return to their countries because of armed conflict, environmental disasters, or other extraordinary and temporary conditions, according to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Somalia refugees have been granted TPS.  Haiti clearly qualifies.

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Fr. George McLean, OMI Lauded in Article January 13th, 2010

George McLean“In 40 years of quiet work, Oblate Fr. George F. McLean has traveled the globe — China, India, Africa, Eastern Europe, Latin America — promoting intercultural dialogue and understanding on basic human and social issues among thinkers in scores of countries.” Thus begins a fascinating account of the life work of Fr. George McLean, OMI – written by Jerry Filteau,  Washington correspondent of the National Catholic Reporter.

In ending, Filteau says: “In today’s world of ideas, it’s truly hard to assess what impact any single person has had, but it’s at least arguable that McLean may have had more influence on world events over the past 40 years than many far more public figures of that era.”

Read the article…

Carl Kabat, OMI interviewed on St Louis TV Station January 11th, 2010

genthumb.ashxCarl Kabat, OMI – jailed for an anti-nuclear protest and released just before Christmas – was interviewed by a St. Louis TV station on December 30th. Fr. Kabat, 76 years old, has spent a total of 18 years behind bars off and on throughout his life. He has been breaking into nuclear weapons facilities since the 1970’s, trying to send a message of peace.

“You have to put yourself where your words are – otherwise you’re just kind of like flapping your jaws…,” said Kabat.

When he’s not behind bars, Father Kabat spends most of his time in the North St. Louis community doing outreach ministry to the poor.

Watch the video here.

Sean McDonagh, SSC Laments Lost Opportunity at Copenhagen January 8th, 2010

Fr Sean McDonaghSean McDonagh, SSC, a respected author and speaker on environmental issues and one of the most articulate advocates for action on climate change within the Catholic Church, offers a close up view and analysis of the failed climate conference in Copenhagen.

He wrote a number of excellent brief articles from Copenhagen that give a vivid sense of the conference, as well as valuable information on the  climate change debate.

Read his articles here:

Papal World Day of Peace Message – If You Want to Cultivate Peace, Protect Creation January 4th, 2010

Pope Benedict’s World Day of Peace Message focuses this year on the theme: If You Want to Cultivate Peace, Protect Creation.

According to the Pope, “Respect for creation is of immense consequence, not least because “creation is the beginning and the foundation of all God’s works”,[1] and its preservation has now become essential for the pacific coexistence of mankind.

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