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Lift the Ban on Travel to Cuba, Argue Prominent Senator and Congressman November 17th, 2009

havana-harborCongressman Howard Berman and Senator Richard Lugar wrote an Op-Ed for the Miami Herald today arguing that the ban on visits by Americans to Cuba be lifted.

Legislation to abolish restrictions on travel to Cuba has been introduced in both chambers of Congress. This Thursday, the House Foreign Affairs Committee will hold a hearing examining the rationale for the travel ban

For some time now, The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has urged Congress to pass legislation that would end travel restrictions to Cuba and encourage more contact between Cuban and American citizens.

Read the Berman/Lugar Op-Ed here.

Fr. Sinnott, SSC released by his Kidnappers in the Southern Philippines November 13th, 2009

M Sinnott released 2Mick Sinnott, SSC, the missionary priest who was kidnapped in the southern Philippines a month ago, has been released and in good health. He was kidnapped not by a Muslim group as was initially suspected, but by a group of Lumad Mindanao, an indigenous group that was trying to raise money to draw attention to their plight. They have lost nearly all of their land to settlers from other parts of the Philippines over the past century

When it was clear that no money would be forthcoming from either the Irish government or the Society of St. Columban, the group released him, but asked that a message be gotten out to the international media. “They want to convey that they are the original ‘Lumad of Mindanao’ who lost their homeland and everything else when the merchants came”, Fr. Sinnott explained.

Click here to read more »

Annual SOA Vigil and Direct Action: November 20-22, 2009 November 11th, 2009

nov09palmcardfrontThe annual Vigil and Direct Action to shut down the School of the Americas is happening on November 20-22, 2009. Activists are converging on Fort Benning, Georgia to call for an end to the SOA and the demilitarization of US foreign policy. Despite promising comments from President Obama during his election campaign, the SOA/ WHINSEC is still in operation and the Pentagon is moving forward with plans for new U.S. military bases in Colombia.

Register for the event and learn more about SOA Watch…

Clergy Resources for Advent on Torture November 10th, 2009

Torture is a Moral Issue…

The National Religious Campaign Against Torture has created excellent materials for clergy to use during Advent. Advent 2009: Resources for Christian Clergy provides commentary on the scriptures and sermon notes that help connect the scriptures with today’s national dialog on the use of torture.

Learn more and download the resource…

Oblate Superior General’s Meditation: The African Synod – “A breath of fresh air” November 10th, 2009

The Second Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops took place in Rome on 4-25 October on the theme The Church in Africa in Service to Reconciliation, Justice and Peace. Missionary Oblates Superior General Rev. Fr. Wilhelm Steckling OMI looked at the African Synod in his November missionary reflection statement, which we would like to share here.

Oblates have been present in Africa since Saint Eugene’s time and its importance for our Congregation keeps increasing. What do we know about Africa? While the Continent occasionally appears on the world news there is still too much silence about it. Very recently we got an opportunity to hear what our African Church leaders are saying about their Continent and I invite us all to lend them listening ears.

The first Synod for Africa was held 15 years ago. I still remember the opening ceremony, I had just settled here in Rome. As it seems, that synod was mostly a time to become acquainted. The post-synodal document, “Ecclesia in Africa”, inspired us with the image of “the Church as God’s Family” which it took “as its guiding idea for the evangelization of Africa” (EIA 63).

The “Second Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops” ended a week ago. It focused on “The Church in Africa in service to reconciliation, justice and peace”. Among the 240 participant bishops, eight were Oblates, and among the almost equal number of auditors, experts, fraternal delegates and helpers we had, for the first time, five of our scholastics involved, offering different services.

We will have to wait a few months for the main document to appear but the message given at the conclusion is already out. I found it particularly outspoken and striking, and to read the whole text is worthwhile. Let me highlight just a few points, in three steps. While the message tells us how the African Synod sees its continent, it may also offer us inspiration for our mission in other parts of the world.

Click here to read more »

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