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Sri Lanka War Crimes Report Released October 30th, 2009

19_02_09_01_76812_445The US State Department released its Report to Congress on Incidents During the Recent Conflict in Sri Lanka on October 22. The report details violations of the laws of war committed by both government forces and the separatist Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) from January through May 2009.

The report is a sobering chronicle of the horrors of war and points to the need for a more thorough independent, international investigation.

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African Synod calls for Accountability in Politics and Resource Extraction October 28th, 2009

african-synod-posterAfter a three-week Vatican meeting, the Special Synod for Africa has ended. The Synod’s final message to the Church in Africa urges the people of Africa to work together for the continent’s political and economic future. The bishops delivered a strong message against corrupt Catholic political leaders in Africa, calling on them to repent or quit public office and stop ruining their countries.

The Bishops called for caution and transparency when accepting foreign aid, which often comes with a hidden agenda. The Bishops further added:” Whatever may be the responsibility of foreign interests, there is always the shameful and tragic collusion of the local leaders: politicians who betray and sell out their nations, dirty business people who collude with rapacious multi nationals, African arms dealers and traffickers who thrive on small arms that cause great havoc on human lives, and local agents of some international organizations who get paid for peddling toxic ideologies that they don’t believe in.”

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Consistent Life Pro-Peace/Pro-Life Harmony Pilot Project October 23rd, 2009

dove-of-peace-printpro-life-symbolConsistent Life is trying to promote dialog among pro-life groups with materials to encourage discussion and mutual understanding.

Do you know of groups in the same campus, denomination, or community that define themselves as either pro-peace or pro-life, but might be willing to dialog with each other? Consistent Life’s emphasis on how the issues are connected and on cooperation of violence-opposing groups offers a prime opportunity to change the destructive right/left dynamics of these debates. The organization is offering a PowerPoint presentation designed for joint meetings of such groups to encourage discussion.

Consistent Life says: “Before launching this as a program, complete with a manual with good advice on what experience has shown, we need to have experience to know what experience has shown. Anyone who might like to organize a session with appropriate local peace & life groups to help us develop this program, please contact project coordinator Rachel MacNair directly at or by calling (816)753-2057, Central Time Zone.

Oblate US JPIC Committee Gathers in Godfrey, Illinois October 19th, 2009

US JPIC Committee Members and Staff Visit Shed Dedicated to Darrell Rupiper, OMI on the CSA at Godfrey, IL

US JPIC Committee Members and Staff Visit the Shed Dedicated to Darrell Rupiper, OMI on the Community Supported Agriculture Project at Godfrey, IL

On October 15 and 16, the United States Province Oblate Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) committee held a bi-annual strategy meeting in Godfrey, Illinois to review, share progress and discuss how to continue the JPIC work most effectively. Part of the agenda included brief updates from staff from the Washington JPIC office, the Oblate Ecological Initiative based in Godfrey and the General Service office in Rome. Committee members also reported on their JPIC work.

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October 16 is World Food Day! October 15th, 2009

world-food-dayOctober 16th is World Food Day. Celebrate using multimedia, songs, and liturgical and reflection materials found on the JPIC Passionist website.


October 16 World Food Day:  Materials and multimedia.

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