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Mark this Advent With Saint Eugène De Mazenod November 18th, 2015



Missionary Oblates JPIC is pleased to offer resources for the 2015 Advent season for you to adapt and use in your congregations, communities and personal prayer time. The Advent packet includes themes for the four weeks of Advent with related scripture, quotes from Saint Eugène De Mazenod, reflections and action. Please feel free to share this resource. Download the resource here.









Oblates JPIC Regional Representatives Meet in Rome November 17th, 2015

JPIC Regional Representatives met in Rome, Italy from November 2 to 6. They worked on a JPIC strategy for the Congregation, reviewed roles according to OMI JPIC statutes (for new members). They also reviewed and discussed how to implement suggestions by the Superior General on JPIC ministry in the Congregations. Reports were presented from Oblate regions, JPIC’s United Nations representative and Director of General Service. The meeting also completed the work on the adaptation of the Vade Mecum (Document on Oblate JPIC Ministry). Meeting participants are pictured below.


From L to R: Bradley Rozario (Japan) for Asia, Antonio Ponce (USA) for North America, Daniel Le Blanc, oblate representative in the UN, Elphas Khosa (Zimbabwe) for Africa, Gilberto Piñón (Assistant General), Warren Brown (from General Counsel), Kennedy Katongo (JPIC General Service Director, Miguel Pipolo (Brazil), for South America, and Miguel Fritz (from General Counsel)






Catholic Organizations Respond to Bishops’ Climate Appeal with Month of Climate Action November 3rd, 2015


The 230 member organizations of the Global Catholic Climate Movement (GCCM) have launched the “Month of Climate Action” campaign, calling for an unprecedented Catholic mobilization to conclude with the Global Climate March on November 29. By starting this campaign, the GCCM and its 200,000 supporters are actively responding to the just-released Appeal to COP21 Negotiating Parties addressed from the bishops to world leaders who will gather on November 30 for the Paris Climate Summit (COP21).

The GCCM organizations released a statement, “A Call for a Month of Climate Action: the Faithful Respond to the Bishops’ COP21 Appeal”, which declares: “We offer gratitude and support to the bishops of the world—most especially the Bishop of Rome—who have endorsed the just-released Appeal to COP21 Negotiating Parties. It is a witness to the crises we face that so many Successors to the Apostles have joined together to confront the human causes and consequences of climate change.”

“In announcing its Month of Climate Action, GCCM seeks to support the Church and her bishops in three ways: the Catholic Climate Petition, organizing Catholics for the November 29th Global Climate March, and the #Pray4COP21 Prayer Chain,” reads the statement.

The Catholic Climate Petition already has over 200,000 signatures, which are being carried symbolically by Yeb Saño, former climate negotiator for the Philippines, from Rome to Paris through his People’s Pilgrimage. The petition signatures will be delivered to representatives of the French government (who preside the COP21) and of the United Nations on November 28, in an interfaith event in Paris.

The Month of Climate Action will work like a virtual pilgrimage, paralleling the fasts and People’s Pilgrimages that have been occurring around the world with those advocating for climate action and justice. Participants will begin on November 1st, the Solemnity of All Saints, remembering St. Francis of Assisi, the Patron Saint of Ecology, and all saints who have worked for justice and systemic change. Online resources will help participants advance from one step to the next on the journey in the campaign website:

The last stop of this virtual pilgrimage will be the Global Climate March on Sunday, November 29th, when over one million people will convene in over 3,000 cities to ask world leaders for action on climate justice. In Paris, upwards of 400,000 people will be marching in solidarity with those who most feel the effects of climate change.

“Our Catholic faith is the basis for our work protecting all peoples and all life”, said Tomás Insua, Global Coordinator of GCCM. “We believe, as Pope Francis has said, that climate change is a moral issue, and we want to stress our interconnectedness with all people, all of creation, all of God’s earthly blessings. We hope that hundreds of thousands of Catholics will join us for this historic Month of Climate Action.”



Missionary Oblates Urge Congress to Fund Native American Programs October 27th, 2015

Missionary Oblates JPIC recently joined other faith groups in a sign on letter on behalf of Native Americans. In the letter, the interfaith group expressed concern that the voice of Native Americans are often drowned out by more powerful interests or larger constituencies. The letter was sent to the Senate and House Appropriations and Budget committees in the U.S Congress, requesting that they uphold specific funding commitments to Native Americans. Our missionaries, Oblates of Mary Immaculate work closely with indigenous peoples around the world, including North America and strive to respect their culture and aspirations while ministering to their needs.

40 Days For Life Concludes With Candlelight Vigil on Sunday, November 1 October 26th, 2015


A second Candlelight Vigil to mark the close of the 40 Days For Life campaign will take place in Washington, DC on November 1. 40 Days For Life is a nation wide initiative focused on renewing the Church’s commitment to the sanctity of all human life and protection of unborn babies. This year’s Candlelight Vigil coincides with All Saints’ Day.  Details on the local Washington, DC event follow.

On-site Candlelight Vigil

Sunday, November 1, 7:00 P.M.

(candles with holders, provided) 

  •  Where:               1225 4th Street, N.E., Corner of Florida Avenue, Washington, DC
  • Metro Stop:    Red Line, NoMa Gallaudet Station (Walk three blocks east to the site)                                                      
  • When:                    Sunday, November 1st, 7:00 PM


For additional information, please contact:

Diane Conocchioli, Coordinator, 40 Days for Life, Washington, DC

at or visit

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