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Order to Release Immigrant Central American Families from Detention. July 28th, 2015

A federal judge in California has ruled that President Obama Administration policy of detention of immigrant mothers and children is a violation of an earlier court settlement and that the families should be released. These immigrant families were put in detention after being caught crossing the U.S/Mexico border illegally. Majority of these immigrant mothers and children are fleeing violence in Central America.

The Missionary Oblates JPIC applauds this decision. Other Faith, Immigrant Rights and Labor groups have welcomed the decision to release immigrant families from detention.

Bishop Eusebio Elizondo, auxiliary bishop of Seattle and chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Committee on Migration said: “I welcome the ruling of the court and urge the administration to comply with it expeditiously.”

The Bishop added, “There are humane alternatives to detention which would ensure that families avail themselves of the court process but also are able to access legal and social service assistance.”

In March, Archbishop Gustavo Siller of San Antonio, Bishop Eusebio Elizondo, auxiliary bishop of Seattle and Bishop James Tamayo of Laredo, Texas visited families at the detention center in Dilley, Texas. The Bishops called for an end to the detention of families and the use of alternative forms of detention.

Renewed Call to End the Death Penalty. July 21st, 2015

During the 10th Anniversary of Catholic Campaign to End the Use of the Death Penalty, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops renewed push to end the death penalty. Accompanying their message, “A Culture of Life and the Penalty of Death, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) issued a statement saying,

Since that time, significant gains have been made, several states, including New York, New Jersey, New Mexico, Illinois, Connecticut, Maryland and most recently Nebraska, have ended the use of the death penalty, and other states have enacted moratoria. Death sentences are at their lowest level since the reinstatement of the death penalty in 1976.”

“Our Catholic faith affirms our solidarity with and support for victims of crime and their families. We commit ourselves to walk with them and assure them of the Church’s compassion and care, ministering to their spiritual, physical and emotional needs in the midst of deep pain and loss. We also acknowledge the inherent human dignity of those who have committed grave harm, affirming that, even as they repay a debt to society, they too should receive compassion and mercy.”

Full statement here

Missionary Oblates join faith,business & human right groups to urge Congress to Support U.S. Embassy in Cuba. July 20th, 2015

TheIMG_1213 Missionary Oblates joined more than 28 diverse organizations including our partner organization,Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) in issuing a joint statement urging Congress to support the establishment of a U.S. embassy in Cuba.

The statement reads, “The establishment of embassies is not an endorsement of a foreign government. It is simply a platform from which to engage host country government officials, members of civil society and business groups.”

Read the statement here: Support for a US Embassy in Cuba FULL HOUSE and SENATE (1)

Why Pope Francis Encyclical ‘Laudato Si’ Should be on the Reading List of Every CEO. July 17th, 2015


Fr. Seamus Finn, OMI has written a new article on Huffington Post called, Why ‘Laudato Si’ Should be on the Reading List of Every CEO.

“There will be many interpretations of this Encyclical. Even before its release, detractors denounced it as political and economic “meddling”, a “rehash”, and a full frontal assault on fossil fuels. But I remain hopeful that more forward-thinking CEOs will hear the deeper ideas he is proposing. Pope Francis is clearly extending an invitation to corporate leaders who authentically wish to be a part of the solution to help heal the world.”

Read the entire piece at Huffington Post

Missionary Oblates in Zimbabwe: “borehole for clean water” is a lifeline delivered. July 14th, 2015


Fr. Charles Rensburg,OMI with Bhomela community leaders in Zimbabwe

Recently, a Catholic parish of St. Mary of Sorrows in Virginia,United States donated to the local community in Bhomela in Zimbabwe. This generous gift has enabled people of Bhomela to get a borehole for clean water supply and help in development of local farming initiatives during the prolonged dry season. Bhomela community is a mission church for the Zimbabwe Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate.

“Many children suffer from water-born diseases as well as malnutrition in Bhomela area. This borehole project will go a long way in alleviating these problems and developing ‘self-help’ initiatives in solving local problems,”

says Zimbabwe Missionary Oblate, Fr. Charles Rensburg, OMI speaking on behalf of the local community.

“Words cannot begin to describe the community’s joy in having received a ‘life-line’ of water for the whole village.

 The borehole will be maintained by the local Catholic community whilst at the same time, complete access has been given to the whole village of over 3000 people.”

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