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OMI Anniversary Letter of February 17, 2024: Pilgrims Radiating our Common Charism February 16th, 2024

The Superior General

The Superior General

Letter of February 17, 2024
Pilgrims radiating our common charism LJCetMI

Dear Oblates and members of our charismatic family:

In two years, God willing, we will be celebrating the 200th anniversary of the pontifical approval of the Constitutions and Rules and the Congregation of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, just after living the Jubilee of 2025. Both events will help us to continue our pilgrimage in communion as missionaries of hope. In my previous letters, listening to the appeals of the last General Chapter, I recalled our commitment to care for our common home: our Mother Earth and our charismatic family. Today I would like to renew our commitment to go on pilgrimage with the laity who share the charism to continue taking steps in the direction proposed by the Chapter and the Second Congress of Lay Oblate Associations.

“May we understand well what we are!” wrote St. Eugene de Mazenod to his companions from Rome, commenting on the pontifical approbation of the Congregation and its new name: Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. In these 200 years of history, every Oblate, every layman and laywoman, consecrated men and women of our family, has helped us to better understand the beauty of our charism. Each one of us who live it today brings a new ray of light that radiates in the world, a new face of this marvelous polyhedron that is this charism given by the Holy Spirit to the Church and to the world to announce the Gospel of Jesus and his Kingdom to the most abandoned.



World Water Day Statement from Bishop Michael Pfeifer, OMI February 12th, 2024

(Originally Published at OMIUSA.ORG)

Water for Peace

Bishop Michael Pfeifer, OMI
Bishop Michael Pfeifer, OMI

The annual World Water Day is celebrated on March 22nd, 2024. This day focuses on the gratitude we owe our great God for the life-giving gift of water, which is necessary for all life as we know it on planet Earth. This is a day of thanksgiving, and for each and all on planet Earth to examine how we are using, or perhaps, sadly abusing and wasting this wonderful gift, individually, in our families, in each and every community, and at a local, state, and national level. World Water Day is a United Nations (UN) observance coordinated by UN Water. Every year, it raises awareness of a major water related issue and inspires action to tackle the water and sanitation crisis. World Water Day is one of two special ecology days, the other being Earth Day which is celebrated in April. While each is celebrated separately, there is a natural and essential connection between the two as water is a main component of planet Earth.

Two Special Ecology Days

Pope Francis in two major statements on the environment brings out how these two ecology days focus on our Common Home, planet Earth and reminds us that the web of life is one. These two special creation days celebrate the beauty and wonder of God’s creation which has its origin in a plan of love and truth. This love in nature surrounds us and is nothing more and nothing less than God’s work of art, the divine gallery.

Water for Peace

The theme for this year’s World Water Day as given to us by UN Water is “Leveraging water for peace and prosperity” Put simply, World Water Day is called “Water for Peace”. As we review history, we readily see that water can create peace or spark conflict. When water is scarce or polluted, or when people have unequal or no access, tensions can rise between communities and countries. UN reminds us that more than 3 billion people worldwide depend on water that crosses national borders. Yet, out of 153 countries that share rivers, lakes, and aquifers with their neighbors, only 24 countries report having cooperation agreements for all their shared water.

VISIT OMIUSA.ORG to read the full article

2023 OMI JPIC Year in Review February 8th, 2024

In this video we are recap some of our activities in 2023, as we look forward to exciting opportunities in 2024. We express gratitude for the collective efforts that brought us together in 2023, making a positive impact on our world. Let’s carry this spirit into this new year.

Mystical Body Holding All February 5th, 2024

By Sr. Maxine Pohlman, SSND, Director, La Vista Ecological Learning Center

Foggy woods with house in backdropWho doesn’t love a foggy day when Earth is wrapped in mystery? In late January a dense fog unfolded during the night and filled sinkholes, ravines, woods, meadows and gardens, creating mystical views. The synchronicity of this fog with a reflection I had been pondering was a delightful surprise.

In her article “Mission: An EverEvolving Vortex of Love”, Sister Mary Ellen Higgins, IHM, deepened my appreciation of the Mystical Body, so I was primed to experience it in a broadened sense. My walk at La Vista that day became a mystical hike in the mystical body of Earth.

I was moved by her words, “Once we come to experience that vast spacious field of Love that is always available to us and for us within Holy Mystery, we come to realize our small yet unique place within the immense Mystical Body that holds All”. Her concluding thoughts are so motivating, “This lifelong mission echoes across the arc of our lives. It is an everevolving process of becoming a full participant in the living, loving, Mystical Body which encompasses all of creation.”

Gratefully the fog lasted for several days, allowing ample time to relish it as well as my place in the Holy Mystery that is the Mystical Body holding all.

Sister Mary Ellen’s reflection was published in:

The Occasional Papers, a journal of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious.

Celebrating 208 Years of Community! January 26th, 2024

Light brown buildings clustered together

By Jorge ALBERGATI, OMI, General Councilor for Latin America

Originally Published on OMIWORLD.ORG

Click here to see the article en Español

Greetings from the Central Government as we commemorate the 208 years of the First Community of the Congregation.

On January 25, 1816, the day the Church celebrates the conversion of Saint Paul, marks the beginning of our missionary family in Aix. As our history narrates, Eugene de Mazenod and his small group of missionaries officially move into the old Carmel Convent of Aix and experience community life. From day one, they strove to practice religious and communal life virtues within their small group, engaging in mission preaching and working with the youth.

For our missionary family, it has been 208 years of faithfulness to this received gift, walking with the people, serving the poor and most abandoned, especially the youth. The approach chosen by Eugene de Mazenod and his first companions in the mission was to work together as a community.

Recently, the central government and members of the Aix Community gathered at the General House in Rome. It was a profound encounter to share our lives, vocation stories, community life, and current mission. It was a moment to live the essentials, to unite in our following of Jesus, and to view our personal history through the eyes of the Crucified Savior, reviving the spirit of the first Oblate community. As Pope Francis stated, “Being a neighbor is an everyday task because selfishness pulls you down, being a neighbor is going out.’” (PEC Discourse by Pope Francis)


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