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Shareholders Commend Walmart for Stepping Out to Promote Gun Safety September 5th, 2019

Members of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) are highlighting gun safety measures announced by Walmart on Tuesday as an example of how companies can show leadership in responding to gun violence when legislators fail to act.

The investors urged the company to publicly commit to lobby for reasonable gun laws and press Congress to ban assault weapons, tighten background checks and institute gun licensing, among other policy changes, and were encouraged to see that Walmart is using its influence to press for these reforms. You can read the full statement here.

Presenting Our 2019 Summer JPIC Report With a Fresh New Look! August 16th, 2019

We are excited to share the 2019 Summer JPIC Report with a fresh new look: we hope you like the new design. Please share your feedback and story ideas by emailing us at

A PDF version of the newsletter can be downloaded here.

Past issues can be found in the Resources section of the website.

JPIC Report is the twice-yearly newsletter of the US Oblate JPIC Office. It is an informational resource about and for Oblates and others involved in the work of promoting justice, peace and the integrity of creation.



Mass Shooting Tragedies Are the Expected Consequences of Hatred and Violence August 6th, 2019

Pax Christi USA, the national Catholic peace and nonviolence movement, joins with the thousands of individuals and groups who have raised their voice over the mass shooting events of the past ten days.

These mass shooting tragedies are not the new normal, but they are the expected consequences of the continued and growing rhetoric of hatred, fear, bigotry, racism, and intolerance voiced consistently from the White House.

Read the full statement at:


Missionary Oblates – U.S. Province Joins Faith Groups in 2019 Bipartisan Budget Letter to Congress August 2nd, 2019

Fr. Louis Studer, OMI, U.S.Provincial

Rev. Louis Studer, OMI (Provincial of the U.S. Province), joined national leaders representing a broad array of religious beliefs and faith traditions in a sign-on letter last week urging the administration to pass a bipartisan budget agreement that ‘lifts spending caps for non-defense programs and raises the debt ceiling.’

Citing their responsibility as faith leaders, the group advocated for an agreement that would enable all people to live with ‘dignity and the opportunity to flourish.’ “Federal nutrition assistance, housing assistance, reentry services, education and job training programs, international humanitarian and development assistance, and environmental protections are examples of the critical role federal funding plays in advancing these fundamental values,” the letter states. A bipartisan deal was reached on the bill last week. Read the sign-on letter here.

Fr. Roy Snipes, OMI Featured in PBS Video about Proposed Border Wall August 1st, 2019

Fr. Roy Snipes, OMI outside the chapel talking to some young men interested in an Oblate vocation.

For most of his 30 years in ministry as an Oblate priest, Fr. Roy Snipes has been known as the priest who brings his dogs along with him to Mass. But recently, he has found himself in the unwanted spotlight of an effort to stop the building of a wall designed to end the flow of undocumented immigrants into the U.S. from Mexico.

Fr. Snipes is Pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in Mission, Texas, a small border town on the banks of the Rio Grande. In addition, he also oversees the historic, La Lomita Chapel, founded and built by the Oblates in about 1865 as a stop-over for itinerant Oblate preachers who traversed the Rio Grande Valley ministering to people living and working on remote ranches and farms. The Chapel is now on the National Register of Historic Places and is part of a municipal park owned by the City of Mission. Fr. Snipes continues to celebrate Mass there and minister to visitors.

Literally on the banks for the Rio Grande, La Lomita is separated from the City of Mission by a levee designed to hold back the river when it floods. As planned, the new wall would run along the levee, leaving the Chapel and many homes in a sort of “no man’s land” between the water and the wall. The local populace, Catholic diocese, government officials, Fr. Snipes and the Missionary Oblates have all registered their opposition to the wall, and in the national media, the Chapel has become a symbol for the political debate between those who support a border wall and those who don’t.

Fr. Snipes has been interviewed and profiled in national TV and radio, and in magazines and newspapers in his position as the local pastor. His folksy ways and straight-talk have made quite an impression on the cynical media. Though he did not seek this attention, given what’s at stake, he speaks his mind.

In this ten and a half minute film, which is part of the PBS Online Film Festival, film-maker Carlos Estrada profiles Fr. Snipes, who reflects on the La Lomita Chapel.

This copyright film  by Carlos Estrada is available for viewing on the PBS website, you may click on the link below to view “The Country Priest,” by Carlos Estrada.

CLICK HERE to view “The Country Priest” on the PBS Website


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