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Update: House Passes Legislation to help Dreamers and TPS Holders June 6th, 2019

On June 4, the U.S House of Representative passed H.R 4 or American Dream and Promise Act of 2019. This bill if signed in law would offer permanent legal protection to “Dreamers” and those covered by the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) programs in the United States. It would also provide a pathway to citizenship for qualifying Dreamers, TPS holders and those covered by DED. Faith communities including the
U.S Catholic Bishops Conference have supported and welcomed the passage of American Dream and Promise Act of 2019.

Report from the 18TH UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues May 23rd, 2019

Hundreds of Indigenous Peoples from across the globe gathered at the UN Headquarters, New York, for the Eighteenth Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) held from 25 April to 2 May. The theme for the 2019 UNPFII is “traditional knowledge: generation, transmission, protection.” The UN describes the indigenous peoples as the inheritors and practitioners of unique cultures and ways of relating to people social, cultural, economic and political characteristics that are distinct from those of dominant societies in which they live. The UNPFII was established in the year 2000, by a UN resolution with the mandate to deal with indigenous issues related to economic and social development, culture, the environment, education, health, and human rights.  

According to a report by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, the estimated 370 million indigenous peoples who reside in approximately 90 countries are among the most marginalized peoples in the world. The report noted that indigenous peoples are often isolated politically and socially within the countries where they reside by the geographical location of their communities, their separate histories, cultures, languages, and traditions.

To safeguard the human rights of the indigenous peoples, therefore, the UN General Assembly (UNGA) adopted the resolution in 2007 on the  UN Declaration on the Rights of the Indigenous Peoples. The Declaration provides a comprehensive framework of minimum standards of economic, social, and cultural well-being and rights of the world’s indigenous peoples. Again, in 2016, the UNGA adopted a resolution declaring 2019 a Year of Indigenous Languages.

Read more:

International Year of Indigenous Languages:
Reports on Indigenous Peoples Rights:


Welcome Br. Joey Methé, OMI – JPIC’s 2019 Summer Intern! May 22nd, 2019

Br. Joey Methé, OMI, is a creative professional who has always been passionate about social solidarity and ecological justice. He began his activist work when he was elected President of l’Association des étudiantes et étudiants francophones (AEF) at Laurentian University in Sudbury (Canada), advocating for the linguistic rights of francophone students and fighting for unhindered access to post-secondary education. He then went on to work for the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa for over 9 years as the Communications Director. After years of leadership in the student movement in Canada, he became a religious brother with the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate on August 1st, 2018. This was his way to answer Jesus’ call to be in solidarity with those who are forgotten, abandoned and oppressed. 

Br. Joey is from Notre-Dame-du-Cap Oblate Province in Canada and is currently studying Theology at the University of St Paul, Ottawa.

He is the 2019 summer intern at the JPIC USA office. As an oblate brother in formation, he hopes to learn from the expertise of the JPIC staff, continue his work studying and analyzing the mining/extractives industry, and offer his creative media production skills to the OMI justice, peace and integrity of creation ministry.



2019 Novena of Prayer For Oblate Vocations May 16th, 2019















The Missionary Oblates invite you from May 21st – 29th to pray for vocations to the Oblate Call and Mission. Especially we ask you to pray that young men will respond to God’s invitation to become Oblate priests and brothers. Each day we invite you to say the Novena Prayer and to meditate on the theme for the day. At the end of your short meditation we ask that you entrust this intention to Mary Immaculate, patroness of the Oblate Family, by praying the Hail Mary. Close to Jesus, close to Mary, we pray for the birth of new vocations.


Merciful Father, You Called St Eugene de Mazenod to send forth missionaries to proclaim and live the Gospel among the poor. Increase our love, we pray, for those who are most abandoned. Extend your loving Call to many young people in our community and grant them the desire to give of themselves, their lives, and their talents to the service of Jesus Christ and the Church. May more men of our area go forth as Brothers and Priests of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate to serve those who are in need. This we ask through Christ our Lord. AMEN.

Saint Eugene de Mazenod Pray for us Blessed Joseph Gerard Pray for us Blessed Jósef Cebula Pray for us Mary Immaculate Pray for us.


Congratulations to Fr. Seamus Finn, OMI on 43 Years of Priesthood! May 16th, 2019

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