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Parishioners March to Protest the Building of a Border Wall August 21st, 2017

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Fr. Roy Snipes, OMI Leads March Against Proposed Border Wall August 21st, 2017

On Saturday, August 12, Fr. Roy Snipes, OMI, pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe church in the border city of Mission, TX, led a procession to La Lomita Mission in efforts to raise awareness and resist the plans to build a border wall in the Rio Grande Valley. The proposed wall would leave behind their land and river. The historical La Lomita Mission would be walled off along with many miles of a wildlife reserve. This community is speaking up in hopes that their voice will reaches the rest of the nation. 

Read news reports about the event:

Advocates stage first big Texas protest against border wall

Protest against proposed wall held at church

Watch a video of the event on YouTube


Fr. Seamus Finn’s work on derivatives is profiled on PBS’s Nightly Business Report July 19th, 2017

Fr. Seamus Finn’s work on derivatives is profiled on PBS’s Nightly Business Report.

Watch the Nightly Business Report from June 7, 2010…


How doesNBR the financial system affect the poorest of the poor? Watch the June 7th issue of the Nightly Business Report for a segment on faith-based investors and efforts to rein in the derivatives market – a cause of the recent instability that has affected nearly everyone.

In an interview with Darren Gersh, Seamus Finn, OMI clearly draws the connections between decisions made by bankers and the lives of the poor. Fr. Finn talks about the need for greater disclosure of derivative risk – disclosure that a significant number of other shareholders have favored in recent Resolutions with Citibank, JP Morgan Chase, and Goldman Sachs. Up next is legislation on Capitol Hill that could force banks to spin off their derivatives business.

Watch the Nightly Business Report from June 7, 2010 on Vimeo…

Video reflection for February 17, 2017 – Oblate Day July 12th, 2017

You can find more videos at our YouTube channel.

Video reflection for February 17, 2017 “Oblate Day”

Learn about the Environmental Work of Oblates Around the World July 5th, 2017

Learn about the environmental work of Oblates around the world.

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