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Provincial Update Fr. Louis Studer, OMI: Zambia April 6th, 2018

Fr. Louis Studer, OMI describes his recent trip to the U.S. Delegation in Zambia along with U.S. Vicar-Provincial for Personnel, Fr. Art Flores, OMI, and U.S. Treasurer, Fr. Jim Chambers, OMI. (Video runs approximately 6 Minutes)

Provincial Update from Fr. Louis Studer, OMI: New Plans for Tijuana Mission March 1st, 2018

Provincial Update from Fr. Louis Studer, OMI: New Plans for Tijuana Mission

My Vocation Story: Fr. Daniel LeBlanc February 9th, 2018

Anniversary of the Founding of the Congregation – Jan. 25, 2018 January 25th, 2018

Video vignette: U.S. Provincial, Fr. Louis Studer, Plans for the Year of Vocations December 8th, 2017

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