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Sign up for the Oblate Earth Literacy program: “Exploring the Sacred Universe” January 24th, 2014

7559905668_3993d162b5_bDaily, all of us, members of the Earth community, are reminded that we live on a rare, precious, threatened planet. At the same time we realize that at its root, ecological devastation is a spiritual issue. Our weeklong “Exploring the Sacred Universe” program addresses our current situation in a spiritual context. Past participants consider the program to have been a transformative learning experience, as they were invited to broaden their vision and include our numinous Universe in all aspects of life.

The dates for the 2014 Earth Literacy Program are August 3-10. Information is available here, or on the La Vista website.

Interested in learning more about a different perspective now? Watch “The Known Universe”, a marvelous video from the American Museum of Natural History in New York. It will help you experience the awesome scale of the known universe, as mapped through astronomical observations. In the video, you start at the Himalayas, move through Earth’s atmosphere and the black of space to the afterglow of the Big Bang.



Philippine Plea for Action on Climate November 19th, 2013

In the wake of Supertyphoon Haiyan, Yeb Sano, Philippine delegate to the international climate negotiations in Warsaw, made an impassioned plea to take action and “stop the madness” that is climate change. Below is an edited video of his address, with scenes of the devastation in the Philippines alongside. It is a powerful video in this second week of the climate negotiations, a major focus of which is financing for climate friendly investments for developing nations.


The Business of Guns September 13th, 2013

TheBusinessOfGuns-posterGun manufacturing and sales is big business in the United States – surprisingly big business. America is the global leader in terms of gun ownership. There are nearly 9 guns for every 10 Americans, a proportion 40% gun ownership rate that Yemen, which ranks second in the world.

Learn more about the scope and strength of the gun industry in this one minute video designed for MBA students. Watch The Business of Guns here.

Take action on the proliferation of guns. Visit:  Faiths United to Prevent Gun Violence


Come, Broaden Your Vision at OMI La Vista Ecological Learning Center… August 21st, 2013

Learn about the La Vista Earth Literacy Program, “Exploring the Sacred Universe,” that was held in early August. Fr. Antonio Ponce, OMI attended the program and made this video to share the experience more broadly.


2013 Labor Day Statement & Resources by U.S. Catholic Bishops August 20th, 2013

Screen-Shot-2013-07-01-at-7.09.45-PM-620x412Every human being enjoys a basic right to be respected, not because of any title, position, prestige, or accomplishment but first of all because we are created in the image and likeness of God. From an ethical and moral perspective we embrace the exhortation of St. Paul “to anticipate one another in showing honor” (Rom 12:10).

Labor Day is an opportunity to take stock of the ways workers are honored and respected. Earlier this year, Pope Francis pointed out, “Work is fundamental to the dignity of a person…. It gives one the ability to maintain oneself, one’s family, to contribute to the growth of one’s own nation.”

Unfortunately, millions of workers today are denied this honor and respect as a result of unemployment, unjust wages, abuse, and exploitation.

2013 Labor Day Statement by Bishop Stephen Blaire


Thanks to the National Catholic Rural Life Conference for this alert.


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