Parish Resources: Integrity of Creation
Practical Tips
The Oblate JPIC Office has updated environmental brochures on five basic consumer issues:
- Focus on Food (PDF download)
- A Look at Fair Trade (PDF download)
- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (PDF download)
- Earth-Friendly Products (PDF download)
- Hints for Saving Water in Your Yard (PDF download)
Please download the PDFs for printing and distribution in your parish or community.
Faith and Ecology
Care for All of Creation The Intercommunity Peace & Justice Center proudly presents a four-session process for faith communities around the topic of Climate Change! This booklet can be used for an adult education program, a small group during liturgical season, a follow-up to JustFaith, RCIA, or other community-based programs, or to gather a cross-generational group to share the process together. In response to the release of Laudato Si’, we also offer a Laudato Si’ Reflection Guide that comes with each booklet as both a summary of the Encyclical and supplement to the processes. Each session includes prayer, education, Catholic Social Teaching, analysis, discussion, signs of hope, and actions to take.
Environmental Justice
- USCCB Resources for Dioceses & Parishes
- USCCB Resources on the Environment
- USCCB Campaign on Children’s Health and the Environment
- Caring for God’s Creation (PDF from the New Jersey Catholic Coalition for Environmental Justice) – This is an eight-session reflection and discussion guide on protecting creation.
Climate Change
- Catholic Coalition on Climate Change – Resources
- Climate Change 101: Understanding and Responding to Global Climate Change
- Climate Institute Education Projects
- Ecological consciousness and global sustainability(IHM Sisters – Michigan)
- “This is Your Home” Global Climate Change PowerPoint Slideshow created by the IHM Sisters of Monroe, Michigan
- Operation NOAH’s new video, Sālote, aims to help Christians around the world recognise the human cost of climate change, and particularly its impact on women and children.
- Parish Resources from Operation Noah
Energy Conservation
- Energy Stewardship Guide for Congregations (National Council of Churches (NCC) resource)
- Bottom Line Ministries that Matter: Congregational Stewardship with Energy Efficiency and Clean Energy Technologies NCC Resource
- Become an Energy Star Congregation (Program of the US EPA)
Extractive Industries
- Indigenous Peoples’ Declaration on Extractive Industries (PDF)
- Glittering, Ghastly Gold (PDF) – The impact of mining on water resources
Humans are stripping nature at an unprecedented rate and will need two planets’ worth of natural resources every year by 2050 based on current trends, according to the World Wildlife Fund in 2006 – a rate that is clearly unsustainable. Learn about our use of “stuff’ and what we can do to move toward a more sustainable future.
- The Story of Stuff Project’s journey began with a 20-minute online movie about the way we make, use and throw away all the Stuff in our lives. Five years and 40 million views later, we’re a Community of more than a million changemakers worldwide, working to build a more healthy and just planet. We invite you to watch and share our movies, participate in our study programs and join our campaigns.
- Hints for Saving Water in Your Yard (PDF)
- Water Stewards: A Toolkit for Congregational Care of Local Watersheds
- Troubled Waters (Resource on the growing global water crisis)
- Waters of Life: Enough for All (NCC Earth Day Congregational Resources)
- Water, An Essential Element for Life: A Note prepared by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace as a contribution of the Holy See to the Third World Water Forum (2003)