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Farm Bill Action Reminder June 5th, 2013

farmbillIn conjunction with the US Catholic Bishops’ Conference, we continue to urge Congress to enact a Farm Bill that alleviates hunger, supports vibrant farms and healthy communities, and protects God’s creation.

This week, the Senate is voting on amendments and then will hold a final vote on their version of the Farm Bill. There is still time to contact your Senators and ask them to support a fair and just Farm Bill. Here is a review of some of the policies and programs that Catholic Rural Life, of which the Oblates are a member, and other faith groups are supporting in reauthorization of the Farm Bill:

Nutrition programs that alleviate hunger and malnutrition:

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Lenten Rice Bowl and more from NCRLC January 17th, 2013

For the full e-newsletter from the National Catholic Rural Life Conference, click here…

CRS Lenten Rice Bowl webinar, Jan. 17

Each year during Lent, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) promotes their Lenten Rice Bowl campaign to raise funds and educates Catholic youth on international relieve and development work. Part of the education includes an examination of climate impacts on the work of CRS around the globe.

CRS will host a webinar on their Lenten Rice Bowl program Thursday afternoon, January 17. The webinar is designed to provide information on integrating Rice Bowl activities into a parish youth ministry program. Parish directors of religious education, youth ministers, youth ministry teams, catechists and other parish staff and volunteers are encouraged to join in the webinar.


2013 Farm Bill: Will Congress act this year?

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