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Happy Oblate Feast Day: February 17! February 15th, 2017

“…. Learn who you are in the eyes of God.”
St. Eugene De Mazenod, OMI

In this world that God loves, with all its richness and beauty, and looking upon it as Saint Eugene did through the eyes of Christ crucified:

  • We observe new forms of poverty, especially among young people: fundamentalism, individualism, materialism, consumerism, and addiction to the digital world… But, we also see the suffering of families, youth, the lonely, and the elderly.
  • We recognize urgent issues, which strongly speak to us such as: the situation of refugees, the homeless, and migrants who are forced to leave their countries, as well as the devastation of the environment.
  • We perceive victims of injustice and violence, especially the indigenous peoples and minorities, the victims of human trafficking, of abuse and exploitation, who cry out loudly for support and a response from us.

Faced with these situations, the Church strongly calls us out of our comfort zone to go to the “peripheries” and work for the fulfillment of the Kingdom.

We are invited to write a new page of the Gospel with Mazenodian creativity and audacity.
Message of the 36th General Chapter 2016

Read the 2017 Oblate Day Message
from U.S. Provincial, Very Rev. William Antone, OMI

Video reflection for February 17, 2017 “Oblate Day”

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