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Brazil Will Host 2018 World Social Forum January 10th, 2018

The World Social Forum (WSF) will take place in  Salvador, Bahia, Brazil from March 13 to 17, 2018. It is the largest annual summit held by non-governmental organizations, civil society and religious leaders working to create a more sustainable and equitable world.

Missionary Oblates have previously participated and presented at the World Social Forum in solidarity with many other groups from around the world, meeting to share concerns and explore effective responses to a range of issues –  globalization, ecology, sustainability and actions against human trafficking, trade relations of nations, extractives industries and indigenous people’s rights.

We are grateful to Oblate provinces and missions that provided hospitality to Oblate participants at past World Social Forum events: Kenya (2007), Brazil (2009), Senegal (2011) and Canada (2016) 

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