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Church Leaders and Experts Gather for 3rd Vatican Conference on Impact Investing July 26th, 2018

(2nd from right) Fr. Séamus Finn, OMI, Chief of Faith Consistent Investment, OIP Investment Trust  (Photo credit: Remo Casilli)

From July 8-10, 2018  the Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development (IHD) and Catholic Relief Services (CRS) co-hosted the third conference on impact investing with the theme, Scaling Investment in Service of Integral Human Development. Information about the conference can be found by clicking here.

Held in Rome,  the event  drew experts and Catholic leaders from around the world, including  Frs. Séamus Finn, OMI and Rufus Whitley, OMI. Fr. Séamus spoke on the panel Advances within the Catholic Church and Fr. Rufus participated in discussions on  Deploying Capital for Impact at the Base of the Pyramid. 

Fr. Rufus Whitley, OMI, President and Chief Investment Officer, OIP Investment Trust  (Photo credit: Remo Casilli) 

Other panels addressed issues like climate change, health, migrants, refugees, and youth unemployment and how impact investment can improve conditions for people affected. The conference was billed as a ‘results-oriented’ event and a long-term global commitment.

(Photo credit: Remo Casilli)


Vatican Marks the 3rd Anniversary of Laudato Si July 24th, 2018

The Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development organized an International Conference on the 3rd Anniversary of the encyclical Laudato Si’: Saving our Common Home and the Future of Life on Earth. The event took place from July 5-6, 2018 and drew representatives from civil society, religions, churches, scientists, politicians, economists, and grassroots groups to review past work and develop a plan of action. Speaking to attendees, Pope Francis remarked that “the “common home” of our planet also needs urgently to be repaired and secured for a sustainable future.”

Read the Pope’s full remarks here.

Conference recordings and presentations can be found here.


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