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March for Life Rally January 24th, 2011

The annual March for Life rally and demonstration in Washington, D.C. is underway, with thousands of pro-life activists filling the National Mall and the streets to the Supreme Court. Many have included visits to their House and Senate representatives in their plans. Saturday marked the 38th anniversary of the landmark Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision which legalized abortion.

House Republican leaders are eager to move on a vote to put more restrictions on federal abortion funding.

Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.) and other key members of the Congressional Pro-Life Caucus last week introduced the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act, which would prohibit federal agencies and programs from spending tax money to fund abortions. The USCCB strongly supports this measure. Read the letter to Congress signed by Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo Archbishop of Galveston/Houston, Chairman, Committee on Pro-Life Activities, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

At present, Smith’s measure has 161 co-sponsors and the public backing of the top GOP leadership. Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) has has directed that the legislation be designed as H.R. 3 and called it “one of our highest legislative priorities.” The Senate is not expected to take up the measure, however.

September JPIC Action Alert! September 21st, 2009

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Father Dwight at a Crossroads- A Mission for Life July 7th, 2009

rev-dwight-hoeberechtsFor the 15th summer in a row, students from colleges and universities across the country are walking with Crossroads on THREE simultaneous pro-life walks across America. Fr. Dwight Hoeberechts, OMI, is the only priest among them.

Father Dwight started “the Southern Walk” in Los Angeles on Friday, May 22nd and will complete the walk across America when he arrives at the US Capitol in Washington, DC on August 15th. Crossroads also has a Canadian walk starting in Toronto on July 31st and ending in Ottowa at the Canadian Parliament on August 15th.

From the Pacific coast to the Atlantic, these simultaneous walks for life will cover over 11,000 miles, pass through 38 states, 2 provinces and thousands of towns and cities.

“Crossroads was started in response to the late John Paul II’s call to the youth of America at the World Youth Day in Denver, Colorado to ‘build a Culture of Life'” said Jim Nolan, president of Crossroads. “He challenged the youth of America and the world to ‘Be not afraid’.

Learn more:

Read Fr. Hoeberechts’ blog
Find out about Crossroads

Cardinal George, OMI writes President Obama, Articulates Priorities of the Catholic Church January 23rd, 2009

Francis Cardinal George, OMI – as President of the US Catholic Conference of Bishops – has written President Obama counseling him not to “…reverse current policies against government-sponsored destruction of unbom human life”. (Download PDF of the letter)

In a second letter focusing on a broader range of issues, Cardinal George outlines the principles and priorities that guide the public policy efforts of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). In it, he outlines an agenda for dialogue and action, and expresses the desire to work together with the new Administration “…to defend human life and dignity and build a nation of greater justice and a world at peace”. The focus is on the needs of the poor, the marginalized and the unborn, and included a call for the renewal of responsible international leadership. (Download PDF of the letter)

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