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News Archives » Bishop Dinualdo Guttierez OMI

Developing a Multi-Faith Global Statement on Extractives Industries April 27th, 2012

On April 24, Philippine Bishop Dinualdo Guttierez, D.D. and Bishop Bejoy Dā€™ Cruze OMI from Bangladesh joined the JPIC staff in attending a conference designed to develop a multi-faith global statement on extractives industries. The meeting was held at the National Cathedral in Washington D.C.

Participants came from major faith groups and leading international NGOs from all continents. A multi-faith global statement on extractives will serve as a shared common document that people of faith can use when dealing with issues of extractives. The meeting was initiated and facilitated by the Bank Information Center and the Oblate JPIC office.

Participants in the April 2012 Multifaith Conference on Extractives Industries

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