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Upcoming Event: Dialogue on Ethical Dimensions of Extractive industries January 31st, 2018

The Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation Office of OMI Lacombe in partnership with Saint
Paul University are pleased to invite you to a morning dialogue.

Attend the event or watch it online. Registration information below.

Where: St. Paul University, 223 Main Street, Ottawa, CANADA – Laframboise Hall

When: February 13, 2018 – 9:30am to 12:00pm EDT

Entitled Ethical dimensions of Extractive industries in Catholic Social Teaching, the event is an opportunity for open discussion about Laudato Si’s calls for change in the mining practices of modern industries. While denouncing the violations on human rights, environment and the non-sustainable and irresponsible approach of current extractive sectors, this is also an opportunity to together find alternatives for change and better practices.

Guest speakers are:
Mr. Jim Cooney, Lecturer at the Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering at the University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada; who will be talking about Mining and sustainable development from a Laudato Si’ perspective

Rev. Seamus Finn, OMI, Chief for the OIP Investment Trust and consultant to the US Province JPIC office, who will be addressing the Catholic Ethical dimensions of Extractive industries.

You are invited to join this important event which aims to feed the thinking of those who want to be part of a grand coalition for social change.

To attend the meeting at Saint Paul, please register here.

For online streaming, no registration is needed. You can join live on February 13, 2018 – 9:30am to 12:00pm EDT by clicking here.

For more information about the event or to register, please feel free to contact:

Fernanda de Castro – JPIC Office
613-236-1393 ext.2661, or

Leonardo Rego OMI
613-236-1393 ext.2660

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