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Fr. Séamus Finn, OMI, Speaks on Economic Justice & Catholic Social Teaching September 8th, 2016

On Sept. 6 Fr. Séamus Finn, OMI was one of two presenters for a webinar hosted by the Conference of Major Superiors of Men (CMSM). The webinar – Toward a More Just Economic System – focused on the role of Catholic Social Teaching within the current economic system.

The Conference of Major Superiors of Men (CMSM) is an association of the leadership of men in religious and apostolic institutes in the United States.  Its Justice and Peace Office assists the Conference in fulfilling its mission to “provide a corporate influence in church and society,” and to “promote dialogue and collaboration with the conference of bishops and other major groups in church and society,” particularly regarding issues of social justice domestically, internationally, and within the church.

Watch a recording of the webinar here:





Catholic News Service’s Fracking Series Illuminates Controversial Issue February 21st, 2014

Image Source: US EPA

Image Source: US EPA

Catholic News Service reporter, Dennis Sadowski, has written a series of five articles on hydraulic fracking from a faith perspective. Fracking is a complicated issue, yet Sadowski provides a clear overview of this controversial energy source while blending in environmental justice teachings of the Church.

By clicking on a title, you will be taken to the article at the Catholic News Service website:

To frack or not to frack: Debate examines America’s quest for energy

Advances in drilling technology led to fracking’s rapid expansion

Religious community chooses nature over riches of a natural gas lease

Faith motivates Catholics to speak out on gas, oil-drilling practices

Families seek recourse in lawsuits for wells considered a nuisance

Catholic voices raise moral concerns in country’s fracking debates


JPIC Report Fall/Winter 2013 Issue Available October 24th, 2013

JPIC-Report-Fall-2010The Fall/Winter 2013 issue of JPIC Report is now available on line as a PDF. It is also available in print form. Please contact Mary O’Herron in the JPIC Office if you want to be added to the mailing list.

You can find all issues of JPIC Report on this website in the Resources section. (Download a PDF of the latest issue)

International Day for the Eradication of Poverty: October 17 2013 October 4th, 2013

Be mindful of this day! Be mindful of the poor! – Fr. Ken Forster, OMI


You, the poor and needy, the world considers you the scum of society unbearable in its sight. That is what the world thinks of you.

Come learn from us what you are through the eyes of faith.

“You are the poor of Jesus Christ, my brethren, my dear brethren, my dear respectable brethren, listen to me. You are the children of God.

Click here to read more »

Updates on Events and Resources from the JPIC Commission Office in Rome January 26th, 2012

The following is a list of useful upcoming JPIC events and resources:

A course on Catholic Social Teaching (in Spanish): A comprehensive written course on Catholic Social Teaching, prepared for University students, was written and published in Latin America. It can be downloaded at:

JPIC Promoter’s Formation Course in the USA: An intensive week-long seminar for JPIC Congregation promoters takes place at Saint Mary’s Notre Dame, Indiana from June 3-10. The brochure is due out in February. For more information, go to

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