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Vatican Conference Encourages Adoption of Mensuram Bonam November 15th, 2023

by Christopher Cox, Executive Director at Seventh Generation Interfaith Coalition for Responsible Investment
Meeting goers, two males and two females People sitting in a meeting facing the stage
Recently, I had the honor to represent SGI at the Mensuram Bonam (For Good Measure, Luke 6:38) Conference hosted by the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences in Rome. The conference drew about 120 people from around the globe to reflect upon the document and the state of faith-consistent investing. Participants included clergy and religious and lay persons who serve within religious congregations, archdioceses and dioceses, asset advisors and managers, banks, foundations, and faith-based investor coalitions.
The conference gathered us a few days after the Vatican’s Synod on Synodality concluded, and so we dialogued, in the synod’s spirit, with deep listening to others alongside a commitment to co-responsibility. The conference aimed to to prompt collaborative learning and reflection on Catholic Social Thought, using Mensuram Bonam as a source and guide in faith-consistent investing. We shared lessons, ongoing questions, best-practices, and dreams. Practically, the conference identified certain future collaborations to advance the faith-consistent investing movement.
Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) members had a significant role in the conference. Fr. Séamus Finn O.M.I. was one of the organizers.

Catholic Moral Concerns on Fracking December 20th, 2013

Anti-fracking protest in Pittsburg, photo: Marcellus Protest/Creative Commons.

Anti-fracking protest in Pittsburg, photo: Marcellus Protest/Creative Commons.

Catholic News Service has a good article on fracking that looks at the church’s contribution to the discussion about this rapidly expanding source of energy in the U.S. Catholic social teaching focuses on the importance of protecting creation and promoting the common good, and the emphasis in this debate has been on the moral concerns.

Some bishops have raised concerns. While not supporting a ban, Bishop Paul D. Etienne of Cheyenne, Wyo., president of Catholic Rural Life, said he harbors deep concerns over fracking. “I think the public needs more information than is presently being provided about the chemicals in this mix that is being injected into the earth to release the gas and oil,” he told Catholic News Service.

The bishop also expressed apprehension about the amount of water fracking requires, especially in parts of the country where water is a precious commodity.

Learn more. Read the Catholic News Service article: Catholic voices raise moral concerns in country’s fracking debate.

Fr. Seamus Finn Presents at Renewing Mission and Identity in Conference on Catholic Business Education July 2nd, 2012

Fr. Seamus Finn, OMI was one of the presenters at the 8th International Symposium on Catholic Social Thought and Management Education: Renewing Mission and Identity in Catholic Business Education. The conference was held at the University of Dayton, Dayton Ohio from June 18-20, 2012.

Fr. Finn presented on “Sustainable Investing and Corporate Social Responsibility: Adding Value to the Identity and Mission of Catholic Business Education”.

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