News Archives » comprehensive immigration reform
JPIC Report Fall/Winter Issue Now Available October 21st, 2011
The Fall/Winter Issue of our bi-annual newsletter is now available. (Download the PDF…)
This issue includes articles on the “Books to Prisons” project, Comprehensive Immigration Reform, Environmental Justice at Mary Immaculate, Faith and Values in Investing, ICCR’s 40th Anniversary, California legislation Against Slavery and Trafficking, a VIVAT International Workshop in India, Economic Growth vs a Steady State Economy, and the The Foreclosure Crisis.
Faith Leaders Voice Opposition to Congressional E-Verify Bill June 21st, 2011
Faith based community organizations, business leaders and human rights groups are urging Congress to block the E-Verify bill introduced by Rep. Lamar Smith in the House of Representatives. They argue that the system has high error rates, and will hurt immigrant families and negatively affect the U.S. economy. The Missionary Oblates JPIC office, in consonance with the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Justice for Immigrants Campaign, opposes E-Verify in the absence of a broader immigration reform package that respects human dignity and family unity.
TAKE ACTION: Help Block Expansion of E-Verify in Absence of Comprehensive Immigration Reform
New OMI JPIC Immigration Resource Available April 22nd, 2010
The OMI JPIC Office has launched a new resource on immigration. The 11 page booklet contains educational and advocacy tips about issues related to needed immigration reform. Now that health care is finally off the Congressional legislative agenda, representatives may be able to take up this pressing issue.
The booklet, “Oblate JPIC Immigration Resource: Immigration is Matter of Faith” is designed to offer insights useful in discussing immigration reform and exploring possibilities for solidarity with immigrants. Contents include:
- Faith communities concern for migrants; Questions for Reflections; Catholic Social Teaching on Migration
- Why Comprehensive Immigration is good; Current Immigration legislation in Congress.
- Principles for humane immigration policies and reasonable border control
- Talking Points on immigration and ways to express solidarity with Immigrants
- Quotes by Oblates reflecting about migration
Download the immigration resource here. (Download PDF)
Updates will be made as an immigration reform bill nears the congressional floor for debate.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid Promises New Immigration Bill in 2010 April 12th, 2010
Congress is back to work in Washington D.C. after the Easter recess, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has promised new legislation on immigration reform in 2010. Senator Reid, facing a tough re-election campaign, appeared elated by the crowd of thousands rallying for immigration reform in downtown Las Vegas last Saturday, and said he would start work on a new immigration bill when lawmakers returned from the Easter recess. “We are going to pass comprehensive immigration reform,” Reid told the crowd. “We need to do this this year. We can’t let excuses like a Supreme Court nomination get in the way.” Reid promised the legislation would include provisions to secure the north and south borders, revisions to a guest worker program, and provisions to deal with illegal immigrants already in the country.” As momentum to introduce a senate version immigration reform overhaul continues, it is important to know where your Senator and Representative stand on Immigration Reform….
- Find out where your Senator stands on Comprehensive Immigration Reform: View your Senator’s scorecard now.
- Find out where your Representative stands on Comprehensive Immigration Reform: View your House of Representative score card now.
Faith Groups Join March for Immigration Reform March 23rd, 2010

Fr. Fernando Velazquez OMI from Houston and George K. Ngolwe, Oblate JPIC staff, march for immigration reform
On Sunday, March 22, over 200,000 people from around the country rallied on the National Mall in Washington, D.C to pressure the United State Congress and President Obama to work to reform the broken immigration system. The faith community was joined by tens of thousands of people from civil rights, immigrant, family and labor groups.
The March for America targeted the Democratic majority in Congress and the Obama Administration with a simple message saying that comprehensive immigration reform needs to be a priority now. “If it is not, don’t count on us to turn out for the November 2010 congressional elections,” warned the activists.
Cardinal Roger Mahony of the Los Angeles Archdiocese told the crowd that the Catholic Church stands with immigrants and is in this fight until the end. Cardinal Mahony denounced the continuing immigration raids and decried the fact that children continue to be separated from their parents. He said the rally would force leaders in Congress to hear the stories of immigrants’ daily struggles.
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