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Maryland Becomes the Second State to Pass Legislation on Congo Conflict Minerals May 25th, 2012

The state of Maryland has taken a definitive step toward curtailing the use and trade of conflict minerals from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). On May 2, Governor Martin O’Malley signed the Maryland State Procurement and Congo Conflict Minerals Bill into law. Maryland is now the second state to adopt such legislation, following California’s example in September 2011. A similar bill is under consideration in Massachusetts.

Under the Maryland State Procurement and Congo Conflict law, the State of Maryland is prohibited from doing business with companies that do not comply with federal disclosure requirements on conflict minerals. Section 1502 of the Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 is a disclosure requirement that calls on companies to determine whether their products contain conflict minerals by carrying out supply chain due diligence and to report this to the Securities and Exchange Commission.

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Oblates Join Broad Coalition in support of Massachusetts Congo Conflict Mineral Bill December 7th, 2011

The Missionary Oblate JPIC has joined a broad coalition supporting the Massachusetts Congo Conflict Minerals bill. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts introduced a bill that could make a significant difference in the lives of the people in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

State Representative Martin J. Walsh (D) introduced the bill titled “An Act Relative to Congo Conflict Minerals”, (HD 04065). If passed, the Massachusetts Congo conflict minerals law would prohibit the Commonwealth of Massachusetts from contracting with companies that do not comply with federal regulations for the certification of minerals originating in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Intel Posts its White Paper on Conflict Minerals to the SEC website December 2nd, 2011

Socially responsible shareholders have applauded Intel Corporation for responding to their concerns and suggestions around conflict mineral policy and transparency. The Company agreed to post the company’s white paper “Intel’s Efforts to Achieve a ‘Conflict Free’ Supply Chain” to the SEC website last week.

Over the past several months, many shareholders affiliated with ICCR (including the Missionary Oblates) have pressed Intel to use its position as a sustainability leader to educate, and influence the marketplace on this issue. Being the first issuer to post a white paper on the SEC’s website is a significant step toward informing a broader audience of real progress being made by industry-wide and multi-stakeholder processes to bring an end to the bloodshed in the DRC minerals supply chain.

Read Intel’s White Paper on Conflict Minerals (PDF)


Break the Silence – Congo Week 2011 October 19th, 2011

Conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is far from over. Insecurity continues to plague parts of the eastern Congo and horrifying stories of rape and other forms of human rights abuses are still being reported. In order to raise awareness around the world of this situation in Congo, Break the Silence – Congo 2011 is being marked from October 16 to October 22, 2011. The aim of Congo advocacy is to raise awareness about the devastating situation in the Congo and mobilize support on behalf of the people of the Congo.

DRC is a major source for many minerals such as coltan, which is used in electronics like cell phones and laptops. Unfortunately, funding for armed groups in Congo comes from the sale of these minerals often to technology companies in Europe and North America.

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Massachusetts Introduces Congo Conflict Minerals Bill October 7th, 2011

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has introduced a bill that could make a significant difference in the lives of the people in the Democratic Republic of Congo. State Representative Martin J. Walsh (D) introduced An Act Relative to Congo Conflict Minerals (HD 04065). Access to Democratic Republic of Congo’s natural resources has been a principal driver of violent atrocities, particularly in the east where most of the mines are located.

If passed, HD 04065 would prohibit the Commonwealth of Massachusetts from contracting with companies that do not comply with federal regulations for the certification of minerals originating in the Congo. The legislation would make Massachusetts the second state in the nation to pass conflict minerals legislation for Congo. California was the first to pass such legislation.

Sign this petition to show your support for Massachusetts Congo Conflict Bill:


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