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Congress Urged to Make Struggling Communities a Priority In COVID-19 Sign-on Letter March 20th, 2020

Read the full letter here.

Here is an excerpt from the letter. OMI JPIC is among signers.

The Coronavirus outbreak, or COVID-19, has shaken countries around the world and threatens a recession. Uncertainty grows as communities are struggling to respond. We applaud Congress for working in a bipartisan manner to quickly pass the initial response packages. We also know they are insufficient. We come from a variety of faith perspectives, but our moral principles and scriptural teachings all affirm that we must prioritize individuals most in need and enable all people to live with dignity and the opportunity to flourish.

As you develop yet a third legislative package responding to the Coronavirus outbreak, we call on you again to prioritize the needs of people who are economically at risk and their families. We have a sacred and moral obligation to ensure adequate resources reach those who do not have the financial ability to weather this crisis. Love of neighbor and care for those in poverty must be the hallmark of Congressional efforts to stem this health emergency and any related economic downturn.

Read the full letter here.

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