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Missionary Oblates join faith groups to take action to end long-standing embargo on Cuba March 16th, 2016

Missionary Oblates joined diverse faith organizations in issuing a joint statement urging Congress to take action to bring an end to the Cuba embargo. 

The faith leaders statement reads;

“We have listened to the call of our partner faith communities in Cuba, with whom we have worked for many years on humanitarian issues, on disaster response, and in sister church relationships. Uniformly and consistently, they have told us that the embargo brings no benefits to the faith community in Cuba. In fact, it makes life more difficult for church members and the Cuban people more broadly. They would like a full normal relationship, in which they can visit and learn from us, and we can visit and learn from them. They recognize that our two governments have differences, and issues that must be resolved; they are eager to see those issues discussed in the context of normal, respectful relations.”

The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate are present in Cuba and just among a handful of Catholic missionaries allowed to do church work. With improved relations between the United States and Cuba, Oblates are hopeful that pastoral ministry to the Cuban people will increase in the near future.

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