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U.S. Death Penalty Year End Report Released December 30th, 2009

Death Penalty Not the SolutionThe Death Penalty Information Center has released its 2009 report: “The Death Penalty in 2009: Year End Report.”. It says that the United States is likely to close 2009 with the fewest death sentences since the U.S. Supreme Court reinstated the death penalty in 1976. Tight budgets at the State level as a consequence of the persistent economic crisis, coupled with a lack of measurable benefits associated with this punishment, troubled a number of lawmakers – prompting actions in eleven states to consider abolishing the death penalty. This is a significant increase in death penalty legislative action compared to past years, the report said.

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Oppose Senate Amendment to Expand Federal Death Penalty July 20th, 2009

Take Action TODAY:

Oppose a Senate Amendment to Expand the Federal Death Penalty

Today, Monday July 20, 2009 the Senate will again take up the Defense Department authorization bill. Three amendments threaten to weaken the Matthew Shepard Hate Crime Prevention Act that was accepted by the Senate last week.

Please forward a link to this alert to your community members, friends & concerned groups: The vote is expected Monday afternoon by 3pm.

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Gov. Richardson Signs Death Penalty Repeal March 20th, 2009

On 18th February, 2009 New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson signed into law a bill to repeal the death penalty in that State. This makes New Mexico the second state to abolish the death penalty. The law replaces the death penalty with a sentence of life without possibility of parole.

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The Spring 2009 issue of JPIC Report now available March 18th, 2009

The Spring issue of JPIC Report is now available, with hyperlinks to email addresses and websites mentioned in the text. (Download PDF)

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“Catholic Mobilizing Network” to End the Death Penalty Launched February 20th, 2009

In an effort to engage more people in the fight to end the use of the Death Penalty, a new initiative, Catholic Mobilizing Network was launched on January 25th in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. This mobilizing network will collaborate with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and other national groups to abolish the death penalty. Its goal is to inform and activate U.S. Catholics about why capital punishment should be ended.

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