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Protect Migrant Dreamers: Support “Uniting and Securing America” (USA) Act of 2018 May 11th, 2018

Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate–JPIC has joined other faith-based organizations in support of the bipartisan Uniting and Securing America Act (USA) Act, H.R. 4796 (a bill similar to the Dream Act). This bill will also provide migrant Dreamers with a path to citizenship and address the push factors of migration from Central America.

The USA Act 2018 has over 48 bipartisan original cosponsors. If passed into law, it would provide Dreamers who have lived in the U.S. for at least four years, including Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients, the opportunity to earn permanent legal status if they meet certain requirements, for e.g. if they pursue higher education, enlist in the military, are gainfully employed, and meet other additional requirements. The bill also strengthens border security through the use of technology and development of a comprehensive southern border strategy.

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) supports both the Dream Act and the USA Act 2018. They strongly urge you to make your faithful voice heard.

Take Action and let your House of Representatives know of your support. Urge them to take legislative action on both the USA Act and the Dream Act.


Relief for Young Undocumented Immigrants June 15th, 2012

The Missionary Oblates JPIC office joins other faith leaders in applauding the Obama Administration for its recent announcement to grant relief from deportation for undocumented youth brought to the United States as children, and who have been raised and educated in communities around the country.

This compassionate action will grant deferred action and offer a work permit to eligible, undocumented young people. The policy change will allow these young people to live in the United States without fear of detention and deportation and to get the education they need to better their lives and communities.

Read a summary from the US Conference of Catholic Bishops on the Executive Order. (Download PDF)

The immigration announcement is built on the courage and dedication of DREAMers, religious organizations and community grassroots organizations from across the country that have been taking advocacy actions to demand relief from deportations for immigrant youth.

Thanks to everyone who advocated on behalf of undocumented young people who faced deportation through no fault of their own. This couldn’t have happened without you.

DREAM Act Immigration Sabbath August 12th, 2011

Communities of faith around the United States, interested in continuing to build support for undocumented immigrant students, are hosting DREAM Act Sabbath 2011, from September 16 to October 9. DREAM ACT Sabbath was launched by dozen religious leaders and Senators Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Michael Bennet (D-CO). The United States Catholic Bishops Conference’s program, Justice for Immigrants, has just announced a PRAY FOR THE DREAM weekend to celebrate DREAM ACT 2011 Sabbath.

Click here to read more »

California Dream Act Signed into Law August 8th, 2011

California Governor Jerry Brown signed into law the California Dream Act (AB 130) on July 25th. This measure allows undocumented immigrant students who have graduated high school to use private grants to go to college.

The Governor is now considering a more controversial companion bill, AB 131, which would give undocumented students access to public grants as well. The Catholic Church supports the federal version of the Dream Act, which also offers a path to citizenship for undocumented students, saying it is consistent with Catholic social doctrine that is based on the dignity of each human.

It’s a small step for a big goal: the chance for a bright future for undocumented students.

Thanks to the faith communities and community leaders who made this victory possible.



Dream Act Fails to Pass December 18th, 2010

The Dream Act – a measure which would have granted legal recognition to hundreds of thousands of young people who have grown up in the U.S., but who lack citizenship – died in the Senate in a procedural vote on Saturday. The immigration bill, backed by broad interfaith support, obtained 55 votes in favor with 41 against, a tally nevertheless short of the 60 votes needed to bring it to the floor for debate. Five Democrats broke ranks to vote against the bill, while only three Republicans voted for it. The defeat in the Senate came after the House of Representatives passed the bill last week.

The defeat was a bitter pill for immigration advocates as well as for the Obama Administration which had pressed for the bill’s passage. Adherents of the measure vowed to continue working for its passage. The DREAM Act would allow young people to become legal U.S. residents after spending two years in college or the military.

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