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Immigration: Dream Act of 2019 April 2nd, 2019

A bipartisan bill entitled the Dream Act of 2019 (S. 874) was introduced in the Senate on March 26, 2019. If passed, the Dream Act of 2019 would provide some Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients and other Dreamers a path to earn lawful permanent residence and a pathway to citizenship in the only country they have ever known since childhood.

Additionally, on March 12, the American Dream and Promise Act of 2019  (H.R. 6) was introduced in the House of Representatives and has more than 200 co-sponsors. The American Dream and Promise Act would provide qualified DACA recipients protection from deportation and an earned pathway to citizenship. American Dream and Promise Act would also provide lawful permanent resident status for eligible individuals from countries designated for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and Deferred Enforced Departure (DED).

Many religious leaders and organizations have endorsed the Dream and Promise Act of 2019 and the American Dream and Promise Act of 2019. They are urging concerned citizens to pray and advocate on the issue and are calling on elected leaders to muster up the moral courage to pass the bills. His Holiness Pope Francis continues to call for a change of attitude towards migrants and refugees fleeing violence and famine. He also cautions against creating barriers or inciting ‘fear of other’.



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