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50th Anniversary of the March on Washington August 21st, 2013

mlk-speech-i-have-a-dreamOn August 28, 2013 citizens from across the United States will converge on Washington to commemorate and celebrate the historic March On Washington that took place 50 years ago on August 28, 1963.

Following the March for Jobs and Justice, President Obama will speak to the nation from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, the same spot from which Dr. Martin Luther King issued his famous “I had a dream” speech. The Lincoln Memorial Commemoration activities are designed to commemorate and continue the pressure for civil rights and economic justice pursued by Dr. King and civil rights advocates 50 years ago. Information for the celebration can be found on the 50th Anniversary March on Washington website.

We invite your reflections on this historic day. Were you present at the March in 1963? We are collecting stories from people who were there to march for jobs and freedom. Send your recollections and reflections to in the JPIC Office and we will post them to the website.

Norway Conducts First Creditor Debt Audit August 20th, 2013

6a00d8341c7ee953ef017d3bfe5cac970cAugust 15 was an historic day for international debt justice. The Norwegian government launched the world’s first audit commissioned by a creditor, which evaluated the debt that developing countries owe to Norway. The report found that four of the 34 contracts were not in line with the UN Principles for Promoting Responsible Sovereign Lending and Borrowing from the UN Conference for Trade and Development (the UNCTAD Principles).

Learn more from Eurodad …


Regulators Warned Against Allowing Abusive Payday Lending March 22nd, 2013

numbers_payday_loansThe Oblate JPIC Office joined nearly three hundred national organizations, state and local organizations, and concerned individuals in a letter against payday lending abusers organized by the Center for Responsible Lending.

According to the letter, “Direct deposit “advance” loans offered by a handful of banks, including Wells Fargo, US Bank, Fifth Third, Regions, Bank of Oklahoma and its related banking divisions, and Guaranty Bank, are structured and function just like loans from payday loan stores – carrying a high-cost combined with a short-term balloon repayment. Research has long shown that payday loans trap borrowers in a cycle of expensive long-term debt, causing serious financial harm to borrowers, including increased likelihood of bankruptcy, paying credit card debts and other bills late, delayed medical care, and loss of basic banking privileges because of repeated overdrafts. Payday lending has a particularly adverse impact on African Americans and Latinos, as a disproportionate share of payday borrowers come from communities of color. High cost, short-term balloon repayments, and the consequent series of repeat loans, have long been identified by regulators as features of predatory lending.

Read the letter… (Download PDF)


Spiritual Grounding for Economics April 1st, 2012

Father Marcelo Barros, OSB

We would like to share a very interesting article on economics (translated from the Portugese) by Father Marcelo Barros, OSB, Brazilian writer and theologian. The article examines the concept of a spiritual economy and the importance of linking human needs and aspirations with the basic rationale of any economy:

“As in all fields of life and human activity, spirituality must give a soul to the economy. Without the spirit, the economy lets itself dominate the market as an idol. And money transforms itself into a fetish. The market, that in itself is a human institution of interchange and of relations between persons and between groups, has become an absolute and disconnected from the rest. To such a point that we could denounce with Jesus: “the market was made for human beings and not human beings for the market”. In the last decades of the twentieth century, the economy became more than ever centered in money and in capital titles, with authoritarian neoliberalism and predominance (arrogance).”

Learn more (Download PDF of the article)

Fr. Barros was ordained to the priesthood in 1969 by Dom Helder Camara , and for nearly ten years, from 1967 to 1976 , served as secretary and adviser to Dom Helder for ecumenical affairs. He is the author of at least six books, and has been an active member of the Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians (EATWOT).


Act to Stop Usurious Payday Lending! February 23rd, 2012

US Regulators receive letter from over 250 organizations and individuals on usurious loans.
Over 250 organizations and individual advocates – including the Oblates and other faith-based groups – have joined the call to stop banks from extending predatory payday loans. These loans carry triple-digit annual interest rates of as much as 400 percent.

Consumers can join the call for regulators to stop bank payday lending by signing a petition at:

Learn about the problem of predatory payday lending in this video from Center for Responsible Lending.

Click here to read more »

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