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New Campaign to Support Unemployed Workers February 14th, 2011

FAITH ADVOCATES FOR JOBS is a major new interfaith campaign initiated by Interfaith Worker Justice to address the severe suffering being endured by millions of unemployed workers. The campaign is organizing a nationwide network of congregations committed to supporting the unemployed and their families both spiritually and materially.

If your congregation is interested, you can fill out IWJ’s Congregational Commitment Pledge (PDF) and fax it to 773-728-8409. If you join the campaign’s network of congregations, they will help you get started, provide regular information about how your congregation can be most helpful to the unemployed, and share what others in the network are doing.

Many unemployed worker support committees already exist in congregations around the country. If your parish has one of these, sign up with Faith Advocates for Jobs. Together, we can help unemployed workers and their families get through this crisis and begin to look forward to a better day.

Faith Advocates for Jobs Campaign Goals Statement (Download PDF)

Questions or concerns? Email Rev. Paul H. Sherry, Campaign Coordinator, Faith Advocates for Jobs at

G8 and G20 Summits in Canada June 27th, 2010

G8The Group of Eight (G8) and Group of Twenty (G20) summits were held in Ontario, Canada this weekend – June 25th through 27th. The G8 leaders met from Jun 25 through the 26th in Huntsville, Ontario. The G20 summit follows in Toronto, Jun 26-27.The gathering in Canada was to provide an opportunity to world leaders to show their resolve in keeping their promises on global poverty, climate change and deal with financial crisis.

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