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The Story of Broke and How our Tax Dollars COULD be Used November 8th, 2011

In her latest video, Annie Leonard (creator of The Story of Stuff) looks at where our tax dollars go – and how they could be better used to build the kind of society we all want.

Watch “The Story of Broke”:

Parish Environmental Committee Fights Local Asphalt Pollution September 12th, 2011

The latest news on activism regarding the possible air pollution from the All American Asphalt Company in San Fernando, CA:

The agency that regulates air quality in Los Angeles (SCAQMD) requires that at least eight different people from different households call to report a problem in one day in order for them to take action. Whenever you smell something that smells like asphalt call 1-800-288-7664. You have to report the type of smell, the day and time, where the smell is coming from, and if it continues. You will be asked for your name and contact information but that will be kept confidential. Most likely the smell of hot asphalt comes from All American Asphalt located at 11549 Bradley Av, San Fernando, CA 91340.

The environmental committee of Mary Immaculate will have a meeting at the San Fernando Park on Saturday, September 17 at 9:30 a.m. (on the benches near the basketball court) to motivate and guide more people to call when they sense this bad smell.


JPIC Distance Learning Program Now Available! September 12th, 2011

The Spiritan-owned Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania launched a JPIC Distance Learning Program in mid August 2011. The program, available in English, was designed by the Spiritan’s former JPIC Promoter in Rome, John Kilcrann CSSp, and has been in a testing phase for the past year.

This year the program will present four courses:

  • Foundations of Theological Reflection
  • Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding 1
  • Economics and People
  • Water, Environment, and Development

In subsequent years, additional JPIC-linked courses will be added, covering eventually more than 20 central areas of JPIC concern. This will ideally provide pastoral workers, clergy and religious with a ‘tool-box’ of skills to minister more effectively in this important pastoral area.

The course is self-learning in design; the level is pitched at post high (secondary) school level and is in English. Participants set their own pace during each course, studying at a speed suitable to their already busy schedules. When participants complete a required number of courses they will be awarded a certificate by Duquesne University. Registration in the course will also enable participants to use Duquesne’s vast electronic library services free of charge and so permit them to access and download hundreds of thousands of articles in many disciplines from a wide selection of journals, as well as book chapters.

The course is offered free of charge and is the first of its kind available via the internet. Prerequisites include a reasonably good internet access and an adequate fluency in English. You can find detailed information on the program and contact details at


DIRTY OIL: THE FILM August 31st, 2011

The first film to tackle the subject, Dirty Oil dramatically explores the battle between industry, government, local communities and environmentalists over the development of the oil sands of Alberta, Canada.

From the heart of the oil sands, the film follows the pipelines to the U.S. Midwest refineries, to witness how refineries, much like its Canadian counterparts, try to increase toxic dumpings into the Great Lakes. These disturbing stories profoundly illustrate the price dirty oil is taking on both sides of the border.

It is the heart-wrenching story of industry and government putting money before the health and security of its people and the environment.

View “Dirty Oil” online on the Babelgum website

From the makers of Downstream: Narrated by Canadian actress and environmentalist Neve Campbell, this much anticipated feature documentary from Academy Award®-Nominated director Leslie Iwerks goes deep behind-the-scenes into the strip-mined world of Northern Alberta, Canada.





Faith Groups Call on Obama to Stop Dirty Oil Sands Pipeline June 2nd, 2011

The Oblate JPIC Office has joined 45 other faith-based groups in asking the Obama Administration to deny the presidential permit needed by TransCanada Corporation to construct a pipeline to carry dirty oil sands from Alberta, Canada to Houston, TX.

The construction of such a pipeline would have devastating impacts on people living in the refining processing area as well as on the 500 miles of farmland and 1300 miles of privately-owned land that the pipeline would cross. It would also cross over the great Ogallala Aquifer, which provides roughly 30% of all the water used for irrigation on American farms. The aquifer would suffer as a result of any oil spills.

The tar-sands oil under the Boreal Forest in Canada is some of the dirtiest fuel on the planet. Once extracted and burned, tar-sands oil produces high levels of sulfur oxide, nitrogen dioxide, and carbon monoxide.

We need to get our energy from clean sources, and not continue to look to ever more environmentally damaging and expensive sources of fossil fuels.

Read the letter on the Keystone Pipeline XL project.



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