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ConocoPhillips Improves Corporate Human Rights Position August 12th, 2011

ConocoPhillips has amended its corporate Human Rights policy to include recognition of the rights of indigenous peoples as articulated in UN declarations and conventions. This action, approved by ConocoPhillips Chair/CEO Jim Mulva as well as the Board of Directors, is one result of ICCR member shareholder dialogs with the company led by Steven Heim at Boston Common Asset Management. The Oblates have been engaged in this dialog for several years and remain deeply concerned about the impacts of corporate activity – particularly oil and gas exploration – on indigenous peoples.

The company’s position on the rights of indigenous peoples now reads:

“The Company’s approach to engagement with indigenous communities, in locations where they are an important stakeholder group for our operations, is consistent with the principles of the International Labour Organization Convention 169, concerning Indigenous and Tribal Peoples, and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.”

In May of this year, the company announced it was pulling out of a controversial project slated for northern Peru. The project threatened two uncontacted tribes in the area.

Read the company’s Human Rights Position statement…



ICCR Members call for Corporate Governance Reform at News Corp August 9th, 2011

In the wake of the Newscorp scandal, faith-based investors – led by Christian Brothers Investment Services – are calling for corporate governance reform at the media giant. In a letter sent on Friday to Sir Roderick I. Eddington, News Corp.’s lead independent director, expressing concern about Mr. Murdoch remaining chairman and CEO as well as other governance issues. The signers “will support the ‘floor’ resolution” to split the roles, said Father Seamus Finn, a board member of the association of faith-based institutional investors.

Read the ICCR statement on News Corp

Learn more…



Note to Gekko: Governance is Good August 3rd, 2011

Read Fr. Seamus’ latest blog on Huffington Post on the Murdoch news scandal and why corporate good governance is important.

See Fr. Finn’s current and past blog entries on faith-consistent and socially responsible investing.

Seamus Finn, OMI Now Blogging on Huffington Post July 22nd, 2011

Fr. Seamus Finn, OMI – Director of the Oblate JPIC Office – is now blogging on Huffington Post.  His first blog is on “The Power of Religion To Influence Corporate Responsibility”.

Go to Huffington Post to subscribe to Fr. Seamus’ blog posts, which will appear twice a month.



Fr. Seamus Finn Explains Faith-Consistent Investing on Local Radio Station July 3rd, 2011


Pictured from left to right: Mr. Warren E Powell, Host-“Let’s Get It On”; Mr. Thomas Kent, Director Vietnam Veterans of America -DC Chp.958; Mr. Gale Thames-Co-Host, “Let’s Get It On”; Rev. Seamus Finn, Director OMI JPIC Ministry Missionary Oblates; Mr. James M. McGee, Pres. NAPFE; Mr. Leonard Pitts, USO Advocate; Mr. Selvon Waldron, LGIO reporter. Seated Mr. Paul Tennassee, LGIO GloLocal Specialist. Mr. Leonard Pitts completed a walking trek, over 500 miles, from Clinton, SC to Washington, DC in support of the USO. Rev. Seamus Finn, was a guest speaking on Corporate Responsibility.


Seamus Finn, OMI appeared on Thursday evening on the National Alliance of Postal and Federal Employees (NAPFE) public interest radio program “Let’s Get It On” hosted by Warren Powell and Gale Thames. Fr. Seamus spoke about the work of faith-based investors in promoting corporate social responsibility.

You can listen to the program by going to the NAPFE website and click on the button “Click here to listen now”. The program segment that features the Fr. Seamus starts at minute 11 and runs for about ten minutes.

This program features information on Postal, Federal Employees, and Veterans. Subjects are Health tips, Labor Relations, Global Affairs, Latest Developments, and any others topics of interest. Each week there are special guests and informational professionals.


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