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Provincial’s Message for Feast of St. Eugene May 28th, 2024

Greetings on the Feast of Saint Eugene de Mazenod from the Provincial:

          To all vowed members of the United States Province, the Delegation of Zambia, the Mission of Baja California, the Mission of Turkmenistan, the Men in Formation, Honorary Oblates, Oblate Associates, members of the Mazenodian Family, Employees, and all people who share in our ministry. I send you greetings and blessings on this joyous occasion of the Feast of Saint Eugene de Mazenod, the founder of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate.

          On this day, we celebrate the life and legacy of Saint Eugene, a man of zeal, compassion, and courage. He dedicated his life to preaching the Gospel to the poor and the most abandoned and forming a community of missionaries sharing his vision and spirit. He was a man of prayer who had a deep love for Jesus Christ and his Church and a tender devotion to Mary, the Mother of God. This legacy continues today in the service we provide to the people of God. I am grateful for the gift of Saint Eugene, who inspires all of us to follow his example and to continue his mission in our own time and place.

          I am also grateful for the gift of each of you, as we are united by the same charism and the same call to holiness. We are proud to belong to this Congregation, which has a rich history and promising future, thanks to your dedication and generosity, its members and collaborators.

          As we celebrate the Feast of Saint Eugene, I encourage you to renew our commitment to live as his sons and daughters and to serve as his witnesses and co-workers in the vineyard of the Lord. I pray today for you and your intentions. I especially pray for the needs of the poor and the marginalized, who are the preferential recipients of our ministry. May Saint Eugene de Mazenod intercede for us, and may God bless us with his grace and peace.

Sincerely yours in Jesus Christ and Mary,
Rev. Raymond Cook, OMI Provincial United States Province


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