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House Legislation Introduced to Shed Light on America’s Anonymous Corporations November 16th, 2011

WASHINGTON, DC – Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney, Rep. Barney Frank and Rep. Stephen F. Lynch introduced earlier this week, the Incorporation Transparency and Law Enforcement Assistance Act, which would require corporations to provide information about who owns or controls the corporation and benefits from its existence.

This bill, H.R. 3416, is supported by the Financial Accountability and Corporate Transparency (FACT) coalition, which includes a broad range of organizations with an interest in seeing the American trade in “anonymous corporations” closed down due to its negative impact on small businesses, human rights, corruption, national security, jobs and critical programs. The JPIC Ministry of the Missionary Oblates is a member of the coalition and is very supportive of this move to generate greater transparency in corporate ownership and activity.

“This legislation is crucial in the fight against corruption and organized crime,” said Stefanie Ostfeld, Global Witness Policy Advisor. “Swift passage of this bill will stop dictators, terrorists and drug traffickers from being able to legally hide their identities, and therefore their dirty money, behind anonymous American shell companies.”

The bill complements bipartisan Senate legislation, S. 1483, introduced in August by Senators Carl Levin and Chuck Grassley.

“Jubilee USA is thrilled to see the Incorporation Transparency and Law Enforcement Assistance Act moving forward in the House and applauds Representatives Maloney, Frank and Lynch for introduction. This Act takes important steps in halting the flow of illicit streams of revenue out of developing nations and away from those who need it the most- the world’s poorest. Morality must be brought back into the global financial system, and the Incorporation Transparency and Law Enforcement Act is one important measure in that goal,” said Eric LeCompte, Executive Director of Jubilee USA Network, an alliance of more than 75 religious denominations, faith- based communities, human rights agencies and community organizations that work on matters concerning global economic justice.

The bill will move to the House Committee on Financial Services.


Faith-based Shareholder Activists Profiled in NY Times November 14th, 2011

Religious groups have worked through the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility for 40 years to encourage corporations to ‘do the right thing’ by people and the environment. Sr. Nora Nash, of the Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia and active in faith-based shareholder activism since the 1980’s, was profiled in the Sunday edition of the New York Times. She explained their involvement thus: “We’re not here to put corporations down.We’re here to improve their sense of responsibility.”

Seamus Finn, OMI – also deeply involved in the ICCR dialogs with the banks as well as other corporate sectors, was cited in the article: “Companies have learned over time that the issues we’re bringing are not frivolous,” said the Rev. Seamus P. Finn, 61, a Washington-based priest with the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate and a board member of the Interfaith Center. “At the end of every transaction, there are people that are either positively or negatively impacted, and we try to explain that to them.”

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Vatican Suggestions for Financial Reform Debated November 8th, 2011

Fr. Seamus Finn argues in The Wall Street Journal that global regulatory changes suggested by the Vatican could help the global financial system function more fairly:

“Robert A. Sirico’s “The Vatican’s Monetary Wisdom” (op-ed, Oct. 27) correctly praises the analysis of the causes of the financial crisis that was included in the Vatican’s statement on reforming the financial system. His summary dismissal of the suggested responses in the document clearly states that no sovereign or international regulatory authority is up to the task of regulating the major actors in the financial sector. Are we then to believe that they will do it themselves?

Haven’t we just experienced the consequences of deregulation, regulatory arbitrage and the capture of elected officials and assemblies by banks and industry associations? Greater cooperation, coordination and collaboration among sovereign regulators and authorities, as the Vatican suggested, is a step in the right direction if the public is to have a safe, stable and fair financial system that is worthy of their trust and their transactions.”

The Rev. Seamus P. Finn OMI


Faith Based Investors Welcome Vatican Statement on Financial Reform October 31st, 2011

The Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility issued a statement welcoming the recent Vatican proposal and recommendations for reform of the global financial system. The statement reads:

The document, “Towards Reforming the International Financial and Monetary Systems in the Context of Global Public Authority”, released by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, offers a very helpful analysis of the ongoing global financial crisis and makes some sound proposals and recommendations to reduce the probability of meltdowns of such magnitude in the future.

Click here to read more »

Restore Faith in the Markets August 17th, 2011

Read Fr. Seamus’ latest blog post on Huffington Post and learn why religious values are important in maintaining a well-functioning economy.

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