News Archives » Fr. Jack Lau
Greenteam @Sacred Heart Church — Martin Luther King (MLK) Day of Service January 27th, 2025
Contributed by Fr. Jack Lau, OMI, Sacred Heart Church – Oakland, CA
Celebrating the Season of Creation at Sacred Heart Church: Oakland, CA October 2nd, 2024
Contributed by Fr. Jack Lau, OMI
International World Day of Peace for a city wide clean up “From Creek to Bay.” We joined with 35 other groups from all over the city, over 500 volunteers! For our part, we collected over 250 Gallons of trash.
A Ministry of Presence: Ceasefire Walk in Oakland, California July 17th, 2024
Republished from OMIUSA.ORG
By Jack LAU, OMI
[On Friday June 28, 2024, Bro. Noel Garcia, OMI (Secretary General), joined Fr. Jack Lau, OMI, and Ms. Carrie McClish, an Associate of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, for their weekly walk against gun violence in Oakland.]
For the past three years, they have walked every Friday night, seeking an end to the violence that plagues their city. They are part of Faith in Action East Bay, a faith-based community organization dedicated to promoting peace and ending gun violence through shared values from diverse faiths, races, and social backgrounds.

The evening begins at a local church with a prayer, followed by a review of the safety rules. Equipped with signs, they then take to the streets.
The group usually walks between five and ten blocks, eventually standing on a busy corner with signs displaying messages like “Stop the Violence,” “Violence is Not an Oakland Value,” and “Honk for Peace.” Drivers frequently show their support by honking as they pass. This is a ministry of presence, signaling to the neighborhood that the “beloved community of varied faiths” stands with them.
Oakland Ceasefire employs an evidence-based strategy to reduce community violence. This initiative, driven by a community-police partnership that includes clergy, street outreach workers, service providers, and law enforcement, uses data to identify those most at risk of being shot or killed. The program then engages these individuals, offering them options and opportunities for change.
Happy 2024 Earth Day! April 22nd, 2024
We gather in the mystery and depth of the cross, the intersection of life and love, of pain and perseverance, of injustice and determination, of tenderness and solidarity, of Ongoing Care and Co-Creation. (+).
We invite you to join us for the Stations of the Cross under the Care of Creation theme. This resource was created by Fr. Jack Lau, OMI, Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Oakland CA
Download Stations of the Cross/Care of Creation. (Some text adapted for parish use)
Join Sacred Heart parish every Friday during the season of Lent for Stations of the Cross livestreamed through Zoom. Visit the Parish’s website for more information.