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Fr. Séamus Finn, OMI Join Other Panelists to Discuss Meeting the Challenges of Mensuram Bonam October 9th, 2024

From October 1st through the 4th the 2024 RCRI Annual Conference was held in Orlando Florida with the theme, “People of God Walking Together on a Synodal Path.”

The keynote speaker was Sr. Teresa Maya, CCVI, Senior Director for Theology and Sponsorship in at the Catholic Health Association. 

The 2024 program included workshops covering topics related to finance, canon and civil law, and planning for institutes in transition.

Fr. Séamus Finn, OMI was among the speakers, presenting on the panel “Meeting the Challenge of Mensuram Bonam” (Meaning ‘a good measure,’ investing in line with the principles of Catholic Social Teaching)
The session was a Christian Brother Investment Service (CBIS) -hosted panel discussion focused on educating Catholic asset owners/managers on implementing the call to action of Mensuram Bonam. The panel covered the practical implementation of Mensuram Bonam, highlighting real-world applications, challenges faced, and lessons learned. Additionally, the discussion delved into high-level concepts surrounding Mensuram Bonam, exploring its potential impact on Catholic—and faith-consistent investing.

Background: In 2022, Mensuram Bonam, a set of faith-consistent guidelines for Catholic investors, was published to provide a foundation for applying faith-consistent criteria to financial stewardship. The document aims to serve as a resource for entities to integrate Catholic Social Teaching into their investment policies.

Reflection on June’s Laudato Si Field Trip With OMI Novices July 8th, 2024

By Sr. Maxine Pohlman, SSND

One of the important themes running throughout the encyclical is interconnectedness. In paragraph 92 we read, “We can hardly consider ourselves to be fully loving if we disregard any aspect of reality: ‘Peace, justice and the preservation of creation are three absolutely interconnected themes, which cannot be separated and treated individually without once again falling into reductionism. ‘”

In order to explore this theme, it seemed fitting to have a virtual visit with Seamus Finn, OMI, who has been Director of the Office of Justice, Peace, and the Integrity of Creation (JPIC) for the U.S. Province for many years.

During our conversation with him, Father Seamus connected us with Oblate history that gave flesh to the JPIC Office and its many years of ministry for the US Province. He showed us how the Office works on the level where laws are made in order not only to shed the light of the Gospel on world issues, but also to have an impact!

We learned that in 1992 the phrase integrity of creation was first used in the Oblate world along with the idea of ecological vocation and the encouragement to care for the environment. From that time onward, the integrity of creation became part of OMI missionary life and ministry.

Father Seamus’ broad-ranging knowledge of finance, justice, and ecology, along with his experience of visiting many countries around the world where OMI ministers, opened our eyes to the importance of sharing oneself on many levels, networking both locally and globally.

We felt grateful to have met this Oblate who has had a positive impact on our world!

Vatican Conference Encourages Adoption of Mensuram Bonam November 15th, 2023

by Christopher Cox, Executive Director at Seventh Generation Interfaith Coalition for Responsible Investment
Meeting goers, two males and two females People sitting in a meeting facing the stage
Recently, I had the honor to represent SGI at the Mensuram Bonam (For Good Measure, Luke 6:38) Conference hosted by the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences in Rome. The conference drew about 120 people from around the globe to reflect upon the document and the state of faith-consistent investing. Participants included clergy and religious and lay persons who serve within religious congregations, archdioceses and dioceses, asset advisors and managers, banks, foundations, and faith-based investor coalitions.
The conference gathered us a few days after the Vatican’s Synod on Synodality concluded, and so we dialogued, in the synod’s spirit, with deep listening to others alongside a commitment to co-responsibility. The conference aimed to to prompt collaborative learning and reflection on Catholic Social Thought, using Mensuram Bonam as a source and guide in faith-consistent investing. We shared lessons, ongoing questions, best-practices, and dreams. Practically, the conference identified certain future collaborations to advance the faith-consistent investing movement.
Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) members had a significant role in the conference. Fr. Séamus Finn O.M.I. was one of the organizers.

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