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Stop Trafficking of Children and Teens! August 21st, 2013

masthead-blankRead the latest issue of Stop Trafficking!, the Anti-Human Trafficking Newsletter to promote Awareness, Advocacy and Action. This issue focuses on Trafficked Children and Teens.

Older issues and handouts on specific subjects are also available here…

Stop Trafficking! is made possible through 
the supportive sponsorship of national and international congregations of women religious and their partners.


Polaris Project Pushes States to Combat Slavery August 14th, 2013

state-ratings-gif-fixed5The Polaris Project works to end modern slavery. An important way to do this is by passing laws at the State level: Laws that explicitly outlaw sex trafficking and labor trafficking; Laws that treat child victims of sexual exploitation as kids, not criminals; Laws that establish vital assistance programs for all survivors of human trafficking.

To encourage greater attention to what needs to be done, the Polaris project has released a tool to measure States’ performance in combatting slavery. Their 2013 State Ratings on Human Trafficking Laws give two states (Washington and New Jersey) perfect scores. Mississippi, Arkansas and Wyoming have made important strides towards that goal. However, they note that a majority of states still lack basic victim assistance protections.

To see how your state rates, scroll down or download the information at

Please share this information widely.


Toolkit for Business on Reducing Child and Forced Labor July 31st, 2013

INDIA-CHILD-LABOUR“Reducing Child Labor and Forced Labor: A Toolkit for Responsible Businesses” is guidance from the US Department of Labor designed for companies to help them make sure they are not using forced or child labor in their operations or their supply chain. It is very clear and comprehensive.

We all know someone who owns or has a responsible position in a business – spread the word! Access the toolkit here….

The International Labor Organization (ILO) estimates that there are 215 million children in child labor worldwide, 115 million of them in hazardous forms of work. It also estimates that 21 million people are in forced labor, six million of them children.

By utilizing this toolkit, companies show that they are concerned about these grim statistics. Using the tool-kit reduces the chance that their products — and the raw materials they come from — are manufactured, mined or harvested by children who should be in school, or by workers locked in sweatshops or forced into work through false promises or threats.

In order to effectively combat the risks of child labor and forced labor in a company’s operations and global supply chains, it is essential to have a comprehensive and transparent social compliance system in place. The goal of this toolkit is to assist companies that may not have such a system, as well as companies whose existing systems may need strengthening — particularly in the areas of child labor and forced labor.

US State Department Trafficking in Persons Report for 2013 Now Available June 28th, 2013

Screen_Shot_2013-06-21_at_9.14.33_AMThe State Department has recently released the 2013 Trafficking in Persons Report. The report and the ceremony releasing it are available on the State Department website (click here).











VIVAT International Jan-Feb-Mar 2013 Newsletter March 29th, 2013

Logo VIVAT sfondo

Please find the Jan-Feb-March 2013 online newsletter from VIVAT International here. (Download PDF)

Subjects covered include:

  • Academia and Advocacy
  • Human Rights & Big Business
  • Land-grabbing
  • Anti Human Trafficking
  • Africa Faith & Justice
  • 51st Commission on Social Development
  • Post 2015
  • Experience at VIVAT International


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