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Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility’ Hosts “Navigating Troubled Waters” September 23rd, 2024

On September 19, Frs. Daniel LeBlanc, OMI and Valentine Talang, OMI joined stakeholders and thought leaders in New York City at Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility’s (ICCR) Annual Conference Event – “Navigating Troubled Waters.”

Corporations play an important role in supporting the resilient and vibrant democracy needed to sustain healthy civic engagement, accountable governance, and a stable economy where business can thrive. However, in today’s politically charged landscape, corporations often face significant challenges navigating their support for democratic values without appearing partisan or becoming entangled in controversy. 

In the lead-up to the U.S. elections, the group convened to discuss how corporations can best exemplify good corporate citizenship without furthering the divisiveness of our national discourse.

Visit ICCR’s website to learn more about their work



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