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Sri Lanka cited in Address of UN Human Rights High Commissioner March 5th, 2010

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay highlighted on-going human rights problems in Sri Lanka in a recent address to the UN Himan Rights Council as she presented the UNHCHR 2009 Annual Report.

“In Sri Lanka, I welcome the progress made in returning displaced persons, and hope the review and release of security detainees can similarly be expedited. But the opportunity for peace and reconciliation continues to be marred by the treatment of journalists, human rights defenders and other critics of the Government. I am convinced that Sri Lanka should undertake a full reckoning of the grave violations committed by all sides during the war, and that the international community can be helpful in this regard,” Commissioner Pillay said in her Address to the Human Rights Council.

Commissioner Pillay’s Address to the UN HR Council (Download PDF)

Upcoming JPIC Events – Spring of 2010 February 25th, 2010

March 19-22, 2010: Ecumenical Advocacy Days – “A Place to Call Home: Immigrants, Refugees, and Displaced Peoples,” Location: Washington, D.C.

March 21, 2010 Rally for Immigration Reform – MARCH FOR AMERICA on the National Mall in Washington D.C. “The time to fix the Broken Immigration System is now!”

April 14-15, 2010: Missionary Oblates US Province JPIC committee meeting in Washington D.C.   (More information in the Members section of the website)

April 15 -17, 2010: VIVAT INTERNATIONAL conference for religious Congregations working at the UN; location: Washington, D.C

April 17 – 19, 2010: AFJN Conference & Lobby day – Arlington, VA. Justice in Africa: On Whose Terms? Keynote Speaker: Fr. Peter Henriot, S.J. (Zambia)

June 21-25, 2010: Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) Annual Meeting in Detroit, Michigan.

World Bank Projects for Sri Lanka Approved January 8th, 2010

The following World Bank projects for Sri Lanka have been approved:

Sri Lanka: Emergency Northern Recovery Project

$65 million to rapidly return internally displaced people (IDPs), largely ethnic Tamils, to their places of origin in the Northern Province and restore their social and economic lives. The project is expected to reach a total of about 100,000 IDPs.  Read more.

Sri Lanka: Provincial Roads Project

$105 million to improve access to socio-economic centers in Eastern, Northern, and Uva Provinces through the sustainable management of improved road infrastructure. The project will rehabilitate provincial roads, develop and implement an effective maintenance strategy, and strengthen the capacity of the Provincial Council Road Development Departments to plan and manage budgets within a framework of fiscal constraint.  Read more.

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