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The Olympics – Yet Another Victim of America’s Broken Immigration System October 2nd, 2009

Newspapers are reporting today that during the official Q & A session following the Chicago bid for the Olympic Games, I.O.C. member, Syed Shahid Ali, from Pakistan, asked President Obama how smooth it would be for foreigners to enter the United States for the Olympic Games. He added that doing so can sometimes be “a rather harrowing experience.”

While this I.O.C. member’s concerns raise a red flag about the need for a change in our immigration policies, a litany of voices have been warning for years that the U.S. is slowly adopting an anti-immigrant and visitor policy that is harming business, higher education and families.

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Fall 2009 Issue of JPIC Report Available On-Line September 8th, 2009

september-2009-jpic-newsThe Fall 2009 issue of JPIC Report, the newsletter of the US Justice, Peace/Integrity of Creation Office of the Missionary Oblates is available on line. This issue features updates on Sri Lanka, Comprehensive Immigration Reform, Oblate work on faith responsible investing and much more.

Read the Fall 2009 Issue (Download PDF)

Report on Oblate International Congress on Ministry with Migrants Now Available July 6th, 2009

L to R: Maurizio Giorgianni (Italian OMI in Korea), Gen Oliveira (Brazilian OMI in Japan), Andrzej Jastrzebski (Polish OMI in the Oblate General Administration in Rome) and Daniel LeBlanc, Oblate representative at the United Nations.

L to R: Maurizio Giorgianni (Italian OMI in Korea), Gen Oliveira (Brazilian OMI in Japan), Andrzej Jastrzebski (Polish OMI in the Oblate General Administration in Rome) and Daniel LeBlanc, Oblate representative at the United Nations.

A brief report (with recommendations) of the Oblate International Congress on Ministry with Migrants is now available.

The symposium, titled “Together on a Journey of Hope” was held in Mississauga, Ontario, from June 8-12, 2009. Oblates from North five continents gathered to learn, strategize and sensitize themselves on the challenges of migrants and immigrants in areas where Oblates are working. This was the first Oblate international symposium on migration.

Learn more…

Oblates Gather for International Immigration Symposium in Toronto July 1st, 2009

Oblates from North America, Asia-Oceania, Europe, Africa/Madagascar and Latin America gathered in Toronto from June 8-12 to learn, strategize and sensitize themselves on the challenges of migrants and immigrants in every area where the Oblates are working. It was also a moment to share the distributions of migrants where Oblates work. This is the first Oblate international symposium on migration, and was convened by the Assumption Province in collaboration with the Oblate General Administration in Rome.

Report and Recommendations of the Symposium (Download PDF)

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April Action Alert: Support the Border Security and Responsibility Act of 2009 April 28th, 2009

Join the National Week of Lobbying on the Border Wall

This week, April 27- May 1, dozens of concerned citizens and faith groups are visiting Washington, DC, to build support among Members of Congress for H.R. 2076 – the Border Security and Responsibility Act of 2009. Last week, Rep. Grijalva introduced this bill in the House of Representatives. If passed, the Bill would restore the rule of law to the borderlands, and protect communities, national parks and other federal lands – as well as significant wildlife habitat – from the unintended consequences of our nation’s border policy.

The damage that border walls have caused is alarming. To date, infrastructure has been built across more than 600 miles of our shared international border with Mexico. Walls have separated families, caused damaging floods and erosion, and fractured habitat and migration corridors vital to wildlife that has been pushed to the brink of extinction.

Your members of Congress can stop construction of the Border Wall and help mitigate the damage done, but they need to hear from you today.

Take Action here…

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