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Inspiring Cards of Compassion for Migrant Families October 24th, 2014

Cards for migrants families in detention sent by Fr. John Cox OMI and 32 church students.

Cards for migrants families in detention sent by Fr. John Cox OMI and 32 church students.


These cards are for participation in the letters and cards campaign by Catholic Legal Immigration Network, which has been collecting and delivering cards, letters of encouragement, support and prayers to migrant families who are feeling demoralized and hopeless as a result of their current immigration detention in the United States. Students produced the cards on the Feast of Guardian Angels. Other Oblates and associates have also participated in the solidarity action by submitting their words of encouragement. Hundreds of letters, cards, and drawings from local churches and schools were taken to the women and children detained  in the Artesia, New Mexico immigrant detention center. Learn more…


Details of the cards for immigrant families.



Compassionate Action Urged for Unaccompanied Migrant Children and Families July 15th, 2014

JPIC Staff Fr. Antionio Ponce OMI visiting Laredo Humanitarian Team shelter collecting donations for migrant children and families

JPIC Staff Fr. Antionio Ponce OMI visiting Laredo Humanitarian Team shelter collecting donations for migrant children and families


The Missionary Oblates JPIC office joined Interfaith Immigration Coalition in a letter addressed to the President and Congress regarding the recent unaccompanied children who are crossing the US-Mexico border. The interfaith community is expressing concerns for the unaccompanied children and families fleeing violence in Central America and frustrations with the way this humanitarian crisis has been handled. The letter requests that steps be taken in a just, effective, compassionate and comprehensive way to address the needs of children and families who are fleeing harm in Central America.

Read the letter here…


End the Quota! May 7th, 2014

CMSM J/P Action Alert

We would like to share this Action Alert from the CMSM, JPIC Office. Please take action today!


CALL IN DAY: Wednesday, May 7th 

This Wednesday, May 7, 2014, people directly impacted by detention, advocates, faith communities, and members of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men will take part in an advocacy day on Capitol Hill asking members of Congress to End The Quota.

Amplify their voices by calling your member of Congress on Wednesday, May 7th, and tell them Congress should eliminate the detention bed quota, which ensures funding to keep an average of 34,000 immigrants locked up in ICE detention facilities on any given day.

What You Can Do to #EndTheQuota

1. Call your Senators and Representative  
Congressional Switchboard: 202-224-3121

Sample Script:

My name is ________ calling from [CITY, STATE]. As a constituent, I oppose funding for the immigration detention bed quota, which ensures that 34,000 immigrants are incarcerated in ICE detention facilities at any given time. I urge you to contact members of the Appropriations Committee, Homeland Security Subcommittee, and tell them that you oppose the immigration detention bed quota. If the bed quota is included in appropriations, I hope you will support an amendment to strike it from the final appropriations bill.


The detention bed quota is an unprecedented policy – no other law enforcement agency operates on a quota system. Immigration detention is a huge waste of taxpayer dollars, with ICE’s detention budget nearing 2 billion dollars for Fiscal Year 2014. During a time of fiscal responsibility, it is unacceptable to be spending billions of dollars to needlessly detain immigrants in an inhumane system that is breaking apart families and communities. Meanwhile, for-profit prisons such as GEO and CCA lobby for such legislation to make money off of detaining immigrants and breaking up families. 

We encourage you to schedule a meeting either in DC or in the district office) to follow-up after your call. 

2. Did you call or meet with your Member of Congress?

Tell us how it wentWe need your help in tracking which Members of Congress will help us end the quota!

3. Tweet today about the advocacy day and your opposition to a bed quota with #EndTheQuota.

Sample Tweets:

TODAY @DetentionWatch & @CAMBIOtoday bringing families, faith leaders & advocates @uscapitol to say #EndTheQuota  , #stopice & #Not1More , #DWN14

.@RepHalRogers Immigration detention bed quota is wasteful & unnecessary. No other law enforcement uses a bed quota! #EndTheQuota#Not1More

.@houseappropsgop  Immigrants are not numbers to fill a bed quota & line pockets of #privateprisons corporations! #EndTheQuota #2million2many

.@SenateApprops ICE detention & deportations are breaking apart families & costing taxpayers billions #EndTheQuota! ,#Not1More  and  #2million2many

.@SenLandrieu Detention bed quota costs nearly $2 billion & prevents real immigration reform! Counting on you to #EndTheQuota #2million2many

With Hope,

Eli McCarthy PhD  

Office of Justice and Peace
Conference of Major Superiors of Men (CMSM)
8808 Cameron Street, Silver Spring, MD 20910



Spring/Summer 2014 Issue of JPIC Report Available On-Line April 28th, 2014

JPIC-Report-Fall-2010The Spring/Summer 2014 issue of JPIC Report is now available on line as a PDF. It will soon be available in print form.

Please contact Mary O’Herron in the JPIC Office if you want to be added to the mailing list.

You can find all issues of JPIC Report on this website in the Resources section. (Download a PDF of the latest issue)


Immigration Reform: Catholic Efforts During Lent February 21st, 2014

jfi_logoThe Justice for Immigrants Campaign  continues to advocate for immigration reform despite obstacles by some members of Congress. The campaign provides prayer materials, background on policy priorities, and reflections about the need for immigration reform this year. There’s also a Facebook page about their efforts.

As part of the campaign, the national Catholic social justice lobby NETWORK has produced informative materials to help faith communities in prayer and action for immigration reform during the upcoming Lent season. Sign-up here to receive these resources in a weekly email series throughout Lent.

 Save the date: The 2014 National Migration Conference will take place in Washington, DC, on July 7-10. This gathering is designed to build the capacity of the Catholic Church and society to advance the life and dignity of the human person in our work with immigrants, migrants, refugees, unaccompanied migrant children, victims of human trafficking, and other vulnerable people on the move.

Thanks to our friends at Catholic Rural Life for this information


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