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Lenten Resources on Immigration February 12th, 2013

As we begin our Lenten journey of prayer, reflection and fasting, we hope these Lenten resources related to immigrants will be useful. Suggestions for Homilists: The Lenten Season and  Lenten Resolutions on Behalf of Immigrants can be found on the USCCB Justice for Immigrants website. These offer materials that the Oblate community and parishes, and other supporters of immigrants, may use in advocating for and educating others on comprehensive immigration reform.

2013 is a very important year to push for the passing of immigration reform and it is absolutely critical that your Senators and Representatives hear from you.

Additionally, you can send a Justice for Immigrants e-post card to Congress by clicking on this link:



National Migration Week 2013 December 18th, 2012

National Migration Week will be observed January 8 – 14. The theme for the 2013 observance is “We are Strangers No LongerOur Journey of Hope Continues.”

The Missionary Oblate JPIC Office is inviting you to use this opportunity to raise awareness and educate your communities on the issue of immigration and Catholic Social Teaching.

The 2013 theme, “We are Strangers No Longer: Our Journey of Hope Continues,” commemorates the 10th anniversary of the historic joint pastoral letter of the United States and Mexico bishops conferences; Strangers No Longer: Together on the Journey of Hope.

The observance of National Migration Week began more than twenty-five years ago by the bishops in order to provide Catholics an opportunity to take stock of the wide diversity of the Church and to work for justice for immigrants.

Resources for National Migration Week 2013:

Resources at the National Migration Week 2013 of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ website. (Available in English & Spanish for parish commemorations)

Pope Benedict XVI’s message – World Day of Migrants that will be celebrated Sunday, January 13, 2013.

Immigration News from the US Conference of Catholic Bishops September 24th, 2012

Consider attending a National Conference entitled “Migration Policy and Advocacy in 2013 and Beyond: New Challenges and New Opportunities.”  The conference will examine migration from both federal and state/local perspectives and will discuss methods for advancing the migration policy agenda of the Church in 2013 and beyond. Sponsored by USCCB and Catholic Legal Immigration Network – more details click here.

Read and Reflect on God’s Call: “Labor priests’ being trained to help immigrant, low-wage workers


Relief for Young Undocumented Immigrants June 15th, 2012

The Missionary Oblates JPIC office joins other faith leaders in applauding the Obama Administration for its recent announcement to grant relief from deportation for undocumented youth brought to the United States as children, and who have been raised and educated in communities around the country.

This compassionate action will grant deferred action and offer a work permit to eligible, undocumented young people. The policy change will allow these young people to live in the United States without fear of detention and deportation and to get the education they need to better their lives and communities.

Read a summary from the US Conference of Catholic Bishops on the Executive Order. (Download PDF)

The immigration announcement is built on the courage and dedication of DREAMers, religious organizations and community grassroots organizations from across the country that have been taking advocacy actions to demand relief from deportations for immigrant youth.

Thanks to everyone who advocated on behalf of undocumented young people who faced deportation through no fault of their own. This couldn’t have happened without you.

Spring/Summer Issue of JPIC Report now available! April 26th, 2012

The Spring/Summer Issue of our bi-annual print newsletter is now available on-line. (Download the PDF…)

This issue includes articles on Global HIV/AIDS funding, a new organic farm at Oblate headquarters in Washington, the human reality at the US/Mexican border, shareholder advocacy in the financial sector, human trafficking and environmental issues: from biodiversity loss and climate change to OMI JPIC work in solidarity with Bangladeshi colleagues and new solar panels on an Oblate church in California.

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